May 21, 2009 09:06
My boss said that I speak confidently and present well.
That made me happy.
Maybe, after I do a couple more presentations, I'll write a thank-you email or letter back to Prof. Andrews and Anna.
So I wake up at 4:00am to get to the work-airport (different from the regular airport) for my flight to Calgary at 5:30am. I'm scrubbed and polished and packed with all the information I could throw together/absorb in three really, really long workdays.
The work-plane seats 8 and is beige leather with metalic-gold trim for the buckles and cup holders. It goes really fast since it's pretty much mostly composed of wings and engines.
I pass out on the plane. The fact that I can see what the pilots are doing is comforting. That and I think if stuff goes wrong, a smaller plane is easier to glide to safety. Hahaha. Assuming makes an ass out of you and me.
I land in Calgary and practice my presentation at the starbucks near the OWNER-OF-MY-COMPANY building where the meeting is going to be held.
People probably think I'm really, really, really crazy. I don't care.
Head into the meeting and get really impressed by the people inside. Principal engineers. People who work on and manage projects in the billions of dollars. One guy who knows EVERYTHING geotechnically about EVERYTHING in western canada.
I have a small crisis. What am I doing there? Really? What the hell? I am not even worthy of being in the same building. They're level 99 and have maxed out all their geotech/mining stats. I am level 2 and armed with a +1 really nice looking black work-pants.
Haha. :P Nerd.
I come to realize that I don't stand there as an equal. Yet. I stand there as the next generation that will assume their roles more sooner than later.
I stand there as an information vampire. I will learn EVERYTHING.
I feel way, way, way better.
Get served breakfast (scrambled eggs, sausage, homefries).
My boss shows up.
Presentation intro by Project-reps.
Get served snack (didn't eat...I think this involved various cakes).
My presentation.
Started at around 10am and ended at around 3:30pm. With breaks for lunch (really nice soup and sandwhich wraps and spinach salad) and there was another snack (bags of chips and cakes and nuts).
The presentation was really intense. There was a lot of discussion.
"Three women in three months can't make a baby." - consultant response to project request for more people to do the necessary analysis to move the project forward.
It was good. I think. I don't know. No baseline.
What I do know:
- 5th Avenue Place by Calgary is a short walk away from what appears to be their Chinatown.
- I'd like to work for OWNER-OF-MY-COMPANY. That's mostly because of the snacks. That and man, what a power-rush to be told that your project has a 5 million dollar float.
- But at the same time, I'd like to stick to where I am because it's interesting projects and you're right there in the middle of it.
- Then again, if I go into consulting, I'd be able to get in on more design.
- Wait...if I was in consulting, I'd be doing lab testing and drill rig monitoring.
- Where I am is currently perfect for where I want to go.
- I want to go up up up up up. Haha.
- I should have brought a book or something for that plane.
What I want to know:
- Masters? PhD?
- MBA?
Got my eyebrows plucked. Looks awesome. I missed all the rugby practices for this week. I wonder if I can even play the game?