Aug 11, 2008 21:46
I bought a car.
It was a horrible experience littered with tears and anguished cries. But the car is totally mine and it is beautiful and I will take such good care of it and there is working air conditioning.
I locked myself out of the townhouse at 2am and had to crawl inside via my bedroom window.
It was a horrible experience littered with tears and anguished cries. But kind of funny (to me, anyway) when seeing it from the light of the next day.
I haven't kept up the lines of communication with so many people.
It is a horrible experience littered with apathy and laziness.
I cuddled with my cat. I made myself a cup of godiva hotchocolate (given as a present from a good, good friend) and sat propped up amongst pillows and listening to the rain. I was reading 2007's best Fantasy and Horror but gave it up for some internet.
This is ok. I shouldn't have had those jalepeneo chips but whatever.
Adam came to visit.
That was wonderful. We fought a little at the end but that got cleared it up. We fought because we love each other. The regular rules for other people don't work when applyed to someone you really care for. It's like a bizzarro backwards world. The stuff that normally wouldn't matter if it came out of anyone else, matters when it comes from him. The stuff that normally would matter doesn't, when it's said by him. Fascinating.
I made an apple pie and a bacon-chedder-broccolli quiche. Both of which my roommate said tasted good. Maybe a bid for peace in the house? I like the quiche. I thought the pie not sweet enough (but consistency and texture-wise, very good). My favorite part is, and always will be, the storebought crust.
Carry on.