Jun 01, 2008 17:54
Well the stress i had piled up I swept away and threw in the trash can.
about freaking time... but then again its kinda creepin up knowing mondays coming again.
I cannot emphisize how much I am looking for the end of this week, and the end of this month.
I still have yet to finish my presentation, and study for my exams but I still feel I have time despite the fact there is only a day or so left.
I must just confidently fight my way though it as I have a lways done.
There are somethings that are quite difficult to explain even in your native language, sometimes it worries me because I explain things quite complicated like usually... if not, I like to be very thourough and precise in my explinations. which is hard because all the things I'd like to say in another language but either I can't because that complicated way of speaking is not well known to me or because I am missing crucial vocab or because I don't know the proper expression. anyway that is my biggest problem in interviews. I just take them like I do in english, except it makes my Korean sound extra funny because I try to speak the way I do in english. yeah
on of my korean friends got me a birthday present.. made my day.. although i kinda guessed as she asked me 10 times or so if (by chance) there was anything i wanted . however i should have been specific about something... as she got me a Korean chic flic... she told me it would help my Korean. its the thought that counted, but i also got dinner too yumm. we went to karaoke after that because she said she was good at singing... and when people are confident like that it usually insinuates they are joking... and she was.... she wasnt good she was like a freakin professional singer. it was insane... i was never so afraid to sing infront of anyone in my life. its like being asked to sing a song to a famous person who sings perfectly... although i dont know what that feels like or how that would ever arise but its the best i can come up with.
sara barellies