This is Jake, waiting for the midnight fireworks and becoming interested in another type of flaming object.
In other news, the start of my final semester is Monday, with a softball class. I'm still doing web design at the Museum of Natural History, about to start on an overhaul of an archaeology society site and a project to teach kids about human culture in Georgia through archaeology.
I'm reading up on the Middle-East, starting with a boring book that contains a lot of information but could not be any less interesting. However, everything in the news I hear about Gaza makes it seem like a place I'd rather not be. Need to look into the Golan Heights.
Still no idea about what I'll be doing come post-graduation. No Navy, but what?
Got my motorcycle license and have been riding around of late, not this morning because it was pretty cold when I woke up. This leaves me a quandary:
Things I know how to do: sail, drive a stick, ride a horse, ride a motorcycle, rock climb, build a log house/cabin. So, what should be my next acquired skill, in that vein? I thought about scuba diving, but there's no real place to do it around here. I thought about snow skiing, but again, nothing around here. I thought about getting a pilot's license, but that's a long and expensive process. So, I'm going to learn how to fly fish and tie my own flies. A skill, a hobby, can do it around here, not super expensive, and I can do it my whole life.
I went to the sportsman store yesterday, but I have a little more reading to do.