Title: A Blue At Heart Pairing: John Terry/Frank Lampard Author: lars_carp Rating: PG-13 Summary: John Terry has never felt more alone. Word count: 1,253 words
What a wonderful fic. Your writing is fluent, eloquent and beautiful, setting up an authentic, absorbing atmosphere, and you have an amazing grip on the characters. Reading this didn't even feel like reading a story but more like watching a film.
I also loved the topic of this. So many players have to deal with this problem, and especially those who are the most important to their clubs. Key players. Even captains. I'm not a Chelsea supporter (or an Englishman) so I don't really know how vicious the press was with John Terry, but I remember the hassle about Steven Gerrard a while ago. All it takes is the press to publish a bit of crap and suddenly even your most loyal supporters doubt you. I was glad to see that his teammates didn't doubt him for a second in this fic. :)
And the ending is great! It's nice to see Frank comfort John for a change, usually it's the other way around in fic. XD I also loved the humour in this, for instance Frank telling John that the press better not know about them being lovers. *snickers*
And this? And John picked Frank up and carried him upstairs. Made me laugh. Dude, John, don't exhaust yourself before the real fun starts! XD
Awesome fic! I hope you'll write a lot more about these two! :)
I also loved the topic of this. So many players have to deal with this problem, and especially those who are the most important to their clubs. Key players. Even captains. I'm not a Chelsea supporter (or an Englishman) so I don't really know how vicious the press was with John Terry, but I remember the hassle about Steven Gerrard a while ago. All it takes is the press to publish a bit of crap and suddenly even your most loyal supporters doubt you. I was glad to see that his teammates didn't doubt him for a second in this fic. :)
And the ending is great! It's nice to see Frank comfort John for a change, usually it's the other way around in fic. XD I also loved the humour in this, for instance Frank telling John that the press better not know about them being lovers. *snickers*
And this?
And John picked Frank up and carried him upstairs.
Made me laugh. Dude, John, don't exhaust yourself before the real fun starts! XD
Awesome fic! I hope you'll write a lot more about these two! :)
*adds to memories*
I'm not English either, but I've read some nasty things about him that were really uncalled for, and that's what made me write this.
don't exhaust yourself before the real fun starts haha, poor John, probably got himself a back problem before actually getting there. :P
thanks again, I'm glad you liked this :)
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