Jan 20, 2012 05:00
- Thu, 05:23: @ xSCUMANDAx plays sick drums
- Thu, 05:24: Why can't @ tisierrrwick move?
- Thu, 11:28: Nigga looks like Robocop and shit
- Thu, 11:29: Damn wake up all hyper and shit, nigga got paid good, Bitches stoked.
- Thu, 11:31: Manny come in here swagged out with a fucking Cosby sweater on, talking about he been at work... Nigga, you been fuckin
- Thu, 11:31: Nigga look like Cosby's step son
- Thu, 11:32: I wonder who he's been fucking. Damn, Chris Vance would be so mad right now. ' what's duh fix cuh why's yous gets all fuh bitzs cuh?!'
- Thu, 11:34: #Vancemadcuz
- Thu, 11:36: Damn, that fool sold all his guitar shit to play bass for like a month. Hahaha waste of time, nigga is special.. like slow.
- Thu, 13:13: RT @ O_baybee: worst friend ever! "I'm gonna make you fat so that no one will love you" - @ Jayelly12
- Thu, 13:29: RT @ CalebOC: ████ ██ ████ everything ███ █████ is█████ ████ ████ fine ████ ███ █ ██████ love.█████ ███ your █████ ████ government.
- Thu, 13:31: @ LadyWehWeh ??? RT @ JacquelynnPoo: How your waist anorexic and then your ass is colossal
- Thu, 15:15: I want to go to the mall.
- Thu, 15:16: I love to bother @ xSCUMANDAx everyday!
- Thu, 15:17: @ LadyWehWeh is so mean to me, hoe
- Thu, 15:17: RT @ JustLikeAndrew: Pro's Ranch Market is weird, but fucking bad ass.
- Thu, 15:40: @ GlassCloud gotdamn
- Thu, 16:01: I want!!!! RT @ Battlefielddrum: NEW SNARE ON SALE! 13x7 Brass w/ black chrome hardware and Die-Cast (cont) http://t.co/X8Lq2B7G
- Thu, 16:02: Buy your tickets for the 25th this weekend!!!!
- Thu, 17:42: RT @ tofucalzone: I hate how everyone knows what they want to do in life. I'm older than shit and I have no clue.
- Thu, 17:43: RT @ xMacNEdgeDKCx: Sat. Benefit for LC EC @ barbariantx @ HarshWords @ aliveandwellTX @ NightcrawlerHC_+More 5PM $3 donation or any $ possib ...
- Thu, 22:17: Fun ass show, Damn Cruces is always awesome, love all you guys
- Thu, 23:34: RT @ 1945tx: 1945 - Restless - EP - http://t.co/e2WLQtNi #iTunes GETDAT
- Fri, 00:24: RT @ NIQMASH: @ digitalswine and @ JamzeeJames moshed tonight. #killeveryone
- Fri, 00:25: @ saydiphillia happy birthday!!
- Fri, 00:27: Long ass line, bout to Jack all dis
- Fri, 00:31: Wal Mart is Cray. How you have a million people work and long ass lines
- Fri, 02:21: RT @ xtoastadox: #TheGooneryisReal.
- Fri, 03:02: Fuck, I can't sleep