Sep 25, 2008 17:13
I think part of the reason why I've been blogging a bit about Singapore is because I'm here by myself - no one to make silly (and sometimes insightful) comments to, so I end up paying more attention. Maybe.
Re: Language Barrier
I think the numbers are something like 70% Chinese here in Singapore, which is why this city-state was ejected from Malaysia in the first place. Unfortunately for me, they mostly speak Mandarin or some variation that I do not understand. And the English here (or Singlish) is kind of awful, and gets worse away from the city center, which makes sense.
So, I went snowboarding in Snow City, which they claim to be a 3 story building. It's about half a bunny, though maybe slightly steeper. It's probably not as steep as things people usually go on, but it just _feels_ a bit steeper, partially because it's narrow enough that you can see the steepness, as opposed to getting lost in the background.
I fell a few times, as there were chunks of ice greeting me with surprise. Not too bad over all, considering my last run was in March.
A run is about, 10 seconds at fast-ish speed, and maybe a little longer if you're cautious. It's a nice enough place to have if it was in my backyard, but still good for keeping my legs a little fresh. The dudes told me that on "expert"-er days, they put up boxes and rails. I would've loved to play with that.
There were two pairs of other people, for a total of five people. The short runs essentially mean that you can wait for the person in front of you finish without really waiting all that much. There were a couple of elderly skiers who just kept on going, and there were two snowboarding newbies that were taking lessons. In all, everyone appeared to enjoyed themselves, and all is well.
Oh ya, it was -7 degree C inside, which is about 19 degrees F. I actually rented a jacket, but it turned out to be mostly unnecessary. I guess I'm cool like that. (No?)