Merch girls.

May 03, 2004 15:59

Sometimes when I am at school. And I am talking to someone.
And it hits me, that I am going to miss them.
I start to tear up. And I want to cry so badly.
But for some reason, the tears just never make it from my eyes to my cheeks.
So I sit there with this weird expression, completely choked up.
And wishing I could let them know how much I really care for them.
But they don't see it. Or get it. And they just walk away.
And when I hug them, I try to hold them, extra tight and long, but they don't understand why and just pull away as if it were a normal hug.

I hate that feeling.

Like I just want so badly to tell them, I love them. And Not let them go. But it would be weird for them, I'm sure.

Anyways, yeah, that's the end of my emotional rant.

[P.S. People are stupid. We are good friends. And it is not weird that we love each other as much as we do. And it is not weird that we show it. What is weird is how you get drunk every weekend, makeout with each other, proclaim your undying love, and then trash them the next chance you get. You're the freak. Thank you.]
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