(no subject)

Nov 12, 2009 17:56

1) Why the hell did you ask for questions from me?
Kat: What? Because you're really funny to me. *shrug* You seem cool enough. And I wanted to hear what you'd ask me.
2) You seem to be doing an awful lot of self-discovery lately. How's that going for you?
Kat: ... Pretty craptastically, thank you. It's... been a little rough. They're not joking about the road of self-discovery being a long one.
3) Do you dress like that because you live under the flawed impression it makes you more of an individual?
Kat: *snickers* Ow. I dress like this cause I like the colors, and the style. I've messed up enough lately to know how unique I am without dressing to impress and individualize.
4) Why are you interested in 'Dezzie', as you call him?
Kat: Mm... because he makes me happy. Makes me laugh, bit of a romantic, feet on the ground but is just not quite serious enough to be a pain. Nice little median between serious and a wise allek. Plus, y'know- he's tolerant and firmly into the 'Dude- slow down or your head will explode'. Y'know?
5) What is your favourite subject?
Kat: Hmm. I don't really have one... I'm kinda decent at pretty much everything, I guess. I mean- I don't think I'm on your level, for instance, but I do alright. Mostly, I kinda enjoy the hanging out with friends stuff like your typical school-age girl. Although, I definitely will miss my teachers and stuff when I graduate.
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