Jun 24, 2011 10:19
Went to work, ate, slept, watched TV (Burn Notice and Memphis Beat are back). Very little gaming this week due to illness (not mine) and minor computer problems (mine).
Mowed the lawn, trimmed the hedge and bushes, cleaned up some of the trimmings. Need to clean up the trimmings, do some weeding and get the edger out and make the outdoors look presentable.
The ten day forecast is looking good for the 4th. Okay, it cuts off at the 3rd but it is trending as Sunny, high 80's during the day and low 70's at night. And part of why this looks good is that it unless things change, I can set up pavilions over the weekend and not Monday morning.
I went to a Reflexology continuing ed class this week. I didn't learn much more than I knew but a bit more supervised hands-on training is good.
My IE went sideways this week so I moved to Firefox. I miss some of the features in IE (and my bookmarks) but at least it wasn't the OS this time. Norton and MalwareBytes both claim that my machine is virus free so I have no idea what happened.
Nothing too exciting happening here. But that's probably a good thing. And how was you're week?