Jun 13, 2009 12:22
Just a quick update to everyone -
Every user should have already received an E-mail from me at your @larp.com address regarding your E-mail account. I sent them out to confirm the folks I am moving, and requesting that if you want to move (or no longer use your account), then to let me know. If you have not seen this E-mail then contact me IMMEDIATELY at: webmaster@larp.com
I have created all the user accounts over on the Google Apps/Mail service, and have started the migration. I will be flipping the switch, and shunting all the E-mail deliveries to the new Google Apps service on Sunday.
Additionally, I am trying to make certain that all of your mail is copied over to the new Service, but just in case - please download all the mail you want from your account. (I will keep a backup of the mail for a little while, as I migrate all the other domains to Google Apps too.) You can manually request that your mail get moved over to the new server, and I will be sending instructions on how to do that in an E-mail tomorrow.
Please let me know if you have any questions!