Ready or not...

Dec 14, 2007 11:16

I think I'm officially ready for Christmas. Shopping's done. Gifts wrapped. Out of money.

Big'n and one of his best friends had their "man shopping" outing last night -- an annual event, when guys get together, dine at some classy establishment (usually Hooters) have a beer, and then shop for their wives. It's actually quite therapeutic for this group of friends, who don't get to spend time together nearly as often as they should. The boys always look forward to man shopping night, shootin' the bull and solving the world's problems. Big'n was practically giddy when he got home; he, too, proclaimed readiness for the holiday. And he brought me chocolate - woo hoo!

Everyone's writing to Santa Claus, and I'm in a fortunate position to see some of our local letters here. If ever you're feeling like the Grinch, read a handful of letters to Santa. They will immediately put you in the right mindset for the holidays. I am ever-amazed by the random wishes of children.

Some random thoughts that have run through my head during a week I could only describe as "cloudy" ...

- Speaking of the Grinch, I once saw a Dr. Seuss collection of works in an art gallery. I have resolved to one day own a piece -- something that stands as a significant part of my childhood. Actually, Seuss did some pretty dark stuff; impressive in my book.

- It's calling for snow tomorrow morning. Actual, accumulation-on-the-ground white stuff. Ironically, it's the same day this particularly amazing live nativity is supposed to take place in a neighboring community. Luminaria line both sides of a five-mile stretch of road, guiding you to scenes created by members of a local church. People and animals stand out in the cold to create live pictures along the drive, and at the nativity itself. It should be quite impressive.

- I want a bow. Remember archery chapters in P.E.? Not that I would ever hunt, but my dirt pile out back has been beckoning, and I'd love to have a reason to step outside and target shoot. I hate guns, so a simple bow sounds like a good solution.

- People keep dumping garbage on my property. Maybe that stuff should make its way to the dirt pile as potential targets?

- I really should learn how to sew; the cost of curtains is outrageous. I'd like to learn to quilt too; my great-grandmothers are so proficient at it, and I'd like to carry the tradition.

- I was instructed by Big'n to buy bras. Apparently, the ones I own are now in unacceptable condition. How sad is it that HE has to tell me before I do something about it? But bra shopping is difficult, demeaning, and requires a huge chunk of time I'd rather spend doing something else. So I guess it's kinda like grocery shopping.

- The electric company sent me two bills yesterday. I don't know why.

- Will I ever have shutters to put on my home? I'm starting to wonder. Every time it moves up the mental priority list, something else trumps it. My house is naked, and something more powerful than myself wants to preserve the status quo.

- I really need to learn shorthand.

Guess that's about it. 'Til then!
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