Intro Post (Severly Delayed)

Feb 17, 2020 00:04

My original plan was to do this over the weekend because I still haven't written up my Chem lab reports (yes, plural. There are two!) and they are staring me in the face but I came back from my knitting club two hours ago and have zero motivation to do yes. I'm going to share all my deep, dark secrets a little bit about myself.

To all friends, old and new, you can call me Danni. I'm 19 years old and as of now I am a resident of Alfred's hand aka the lovely depressing state of Michigan. I would one day love to move to England, but, at the moment, it's not happening...

I'm currently in my second year of college and my major is Pre-Med/Neuroscience so if I ever start bitching about Chemistry (of the Organic variety) or Biology (of the Micro variety) you'll know why. Those classes are the bane of any well to do Pre-Med student...oh yeah, Physics too >_>

I like a lot of things. Honestly, I should just copy-pasta all the info from my facebook...errr, too lazy.

I'm a writer. I really like to write, but unfortunately I constantly suffer from the evil known as writer block. As a result I spend a lot of time outlining my stories and doing some intense brainstorming when I'm zoning out during my Chem lectures. Recently, I've been scooting towards darker material and away from traditional romance/comedy, although I will often throw in funny bits here and there.

I also really like to knit. Yeah, I'm an old lady. Send me cool patterns if you know of any! I just finished my first ribbing knit scarf ! /bricked for being senile

I'm not really involved in any other anime fandoms besides Hetalia and Naruto (which is beginning to bore me)  but I'm trying to read more of different types of manga. I really just like to read in general. Most of the stuff I read these days are adult fiction (adult as in not pre-teen, not adult as in porn you perverts ) and sometimes non-fiction/memoirs. I read Eat, Pray, Love last summer. Most inspirational thing ever. Don't watch the movie (I still lurve you Julia Roberts). I could go on forever listing my favorites books, but I won't because this post is already getting really long, but if you ever want to geek out about literature let me know. I'm currently re-reading Pride and Prejudice for like the 20th time. Oooo Mr. Darcy <3

LOL. What has this post become? Let me just wrap things up. What else do people like to know? Favorite tv shows? I'm currently addicted to True Blood. These days I hate all vampire media/books (except for the Underworld series) but True Blood is my V drug. It's just omgwtflyk whoa good. It's on HBO for a reason. I also really like Mad Men, Skins, Law and Order: SVU, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Lost (Y U END?), Ugly Betty (Y U END?), and classics like Boy Meets World.

Some of my favorite movies include Scream, Titanic, The Princess Bride, and Resident Evil (that's variety right thur) I listen to all types of music. Like ALL types. Go through my iPod and you'll be like "wtf is all this? Lil Wayne, Shania Twain and Caramelldansen?"

I know I said I wouldn't list them cause it's such a long list but I'll throw out a few of my favorite books: Wicked, The Mists of Avalon, The Time Travelers Wife, Sabriel, and of course Harry Potter. My favorite book genres are Action/Adventure, Sci-fi/Fantasy and Mystery/Crime.

I love animals. People are cool too. I love to laugh. If you make me laugh I'll love you forever. I love the color pink. I'm going to paint my house that color one day. Just kidding, that would be tacky/too much work. I'll only paint my bedroom that. I really love pretty things, including pretty people. I guess I'd classify myself as straight with a strong admiration of pretty girls. I love to travel. I haven't had the chance to go many places but my goal is to see the world England first.

I'm a nice person, honest. I just talk a lot.

Like now. Ok, I'm shutting up~

about me, writing, welcome

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