[ff tactics] I have abandoned you all! D=

Aug 05, 2006 17:50

So I have abandoned the internet in favor of playing Final Fantasy Tactics. I will probably continue to abandon the internet until I beat the game. (LAST CHAPTER, WHAT.) Currently, I am undergoing the long side quest to get Cloud in my party. Yes. Cloud. Spiky blond kid with the big sword from FFVII. Canon crossover, hooooooo!

I noticed something very interesting. Out of all of Ramza's possible love interests, two are men (Delita and Mustadio), one is a lesbian in love with Ovelia is, uh, Agrias, and the last one is his sister (Alma).

Why are the fangirls not all over the fandom?

I swear, Ramza just needs to get laid. Right now. Or just tell Delita that he loves him. The love is totally canon, even if it is completely platonic. >_> Because, really, if I hear him say "Delita..." one more time while looking sadly at the snow/sky/his sister, I am going to write bad fanfiction. Really, really bad fanfiction. And that would be bad.

I really wish the fandom was larger. There's so much crack potential. I mean, we have incest, bestiality (Reis, lol), homosexuality, and robots. Giant metal ball shaped robots. Hur hur hur.

I really want to go out and pinch Ramza's cheeks. First, he orders milk at a bar ("Gee, I've never been in a bar to order drinks before! 8D" "What do you want to drink?" "Um, how about milk?" "...LOL CUTE KID"), and then the whole "Phoenix Down! Where's the Phoenix Down!" when Mustadio gets knocked over by Worker 8. RAMZA, YOU'RE SUCH A DORKY LITTLE GUY!


Beating Velius in 200 turns or less~!
First, make Ramza a monk.
Next, give him Guts as a sub-ability. Make sure Ramza has learned Chakra, Yell, and Accumulate. Cheer Up is optional, but recommended. Give him Move +2; Move +3 is best.
Then, give him equipment to boost up his PA as high as it can go. He needs to be able to heal more with Chakra than is dealt.
First sixty to seventy turns: Use Yell. Heal with Chakra when needed. Eventually, Ramza will get six to seven turns before the enemy's one.
Next sixty to sevently turns: Use Accumulate. Heal with Chakra if needed.
Optional next few dozen turns: Use Cheer Up. Heal with Chakra if needed.
Next, kill Wiegraf.
When Velius arrives, kill Velius before he even gets a turn!

Downsides: Ramza will gain about fourteen levels, meaning the random encounter levels will be very high, resulting in possibly dead party members who can't keep up. Oops. Also, Rafa and Maka will also be at high levels, and they need the JP to learn jobs. Double oops.

Scream is the best ability ever. Too bad Ramza can't cast it on other people. D=

Fast Calculator JP gains: Calculator with Bard sub-ability. Corner a monster. Wait. Have Calculator sing Life Song. Wait some more. Do some emergency healing with a Priest. Wait some more. Take turns smacking at the Priest to gain some more EXP. Wait. Rinse. Repeat. Wait some more.

I feel really weird getting Cloud in my party in FFT before having even played FFVII. Don't kill me...

Now to track down Cloud and Aerith! Whee~!

fangirl mode activated, final fantasy is an rpg

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