Life, or something

Sep 05, 2011 00:13

I should...probably post!

Second day of classes started off horribly with me getting my period in the middle of Swedish. I didn't have anything with me, so I had to basically wrap a crap ton of toilet paper around my panties until I got out of classes two and a half hours later! Then we had to move our last (heaviest) things out of storage. It was not a fun day.

...Did anything happen? Went to classes, ached a lot from moving and from cramps, blah blah blah.

Oh, wait! I have to e-mail my notes to my Women in Literature professor since I take notes on my laptop. I e-mailed them to my Feminist Theory professor by mistake. She thought they were good notes, though! Ahaha. Haha.

Thursdays are terrible days because I have four hours of NOTHING in between classes that, instead of getting work done like a person who makes good choices would do, I spend it browsing kink memes and writing fanfic in public places.

Shame? What on earth is that?

In the evening, my mom gently requested that we relocate ourselves to a place with food and air conditioning. There is AC at the apartment! It just isn't very effective, so our electric bill tends to skyrocket if we turn it on.

Mother and I headed to Panera. I hate Panera. The food is terrible, which makes it overpriced. The internet is slow. Mother couldn't get her MMO to even work, which voided the entire point of finding a location with internet in the first place. We decided that it was not worth saving the bus fare it costs for Mother to head to Pitt campus with me (Especially since we both agreed that paying for anything in Panera is a waste of money), so we decided to camp out at Pitt's library the next time we needed AC and internet.

After classes, I sent my mother an e-mail asking her if she wanted to come to campus and spend the evening at the library she agreed. I then remembered that she still has trouble with the buses in Pittsburgh.

Thankfully, she made it to campus, and we met up in the library! ...An hour and a half later. It takes fifteen to twenty minutes to get to campus by bus. She got on the right bus as soon as she arrived at the bus stop. What took us so long to meet one another was the fact that we kept checking on opposite sides of the library. It was like a moment ripped straight out of a comedy! Ahaha. Haha.

We then remained on campus until Teahouse and FNI, and didn't get home until almost two.

It was still obscenely hot.

I think this was the day where we went fuck it and turned on the AC because it was almost 90 degrees Fahrenheit indoors.

Look, my life is not that exciting, okay?

Went shopping with Mother. Got caught in the rain. Then spent the night eating food cooked by my mother and tea_destroyer. Roommates and I played games/browsed the internet for the rest of the evening. Gems included:

I feel like I'm a much more interesting person offline than online.

my mom is awesome, i have the best friends ever, life

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