I am breaking hiatus to tell everyone that
this box is evil. Yes,
this box:
The only time you should ever use this box is if you don't have a paid account and are desperate for S1. (Don't see why, since now S2 is actually more customizable, but I know that change is hard.)
If you use S1 and have a paid account, step away from the override box. I'm not trying to be elitist or snooty, although I probably sound like that. The override box is evil because it is: 1. Harder to use, 2. It doesn't work, and 3. Not supported by Opera and probably other browers.
If you have a paid account and use S1, use this:
create a new style. Why? It's actually easier; it uses actual HTML in the format of an HTML page without all that GLOBAL_HEAD crap. Plus, you only have to do it once. Also, it works. It doesn't mess up in different browers. It stays the same, unless you're using really tricky HTML and/or CSS.
And it's easier. It really is easier. I remember playing with the override box. It was hard. And frustrating. It was so much easier to learn how to make a new style than it was to mess with the override box.
So please, for your sanity and other's viewing pleasure, don't use the override box. It's evil. (Fun fact! About 70% of S1 layouts that use the override box do not work for me! They are completely broken. This makes me a sad LaLa, because at least one community I visit uses S1 with the override box)
And as a note, I'm beginning to write tutorials on how to use LJ. It surprises me at how many people aren't aware of all the nifty features LJ has, or how to make the most of them. They'll end with a layout tutorial in S2, since S2 is love. Mmmm, tags.