Dec 12, 2003 18:39
1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that you have in common with me.
3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you.
01. I've changed dynamically since my younger ages.
02. I can pick things up with my toes
03. I tend to talk in past tense on AIM or writing a thing for english.
04. I tend to have an obsession with one object for a long period of time - chocolate, Videogames, etc.
05. I listen to one kind of music, but then switch to a diffrent genre after a period of time.
06. Sometimes I wonder if anyone understands.
07. I hate when people type in all caps online. (Though I occasionally cap one or two words just to be a smartass)
08. I dislike it when people TypE LyKe D1s.
09. I don't mind people who cannot speak/write in proper English: it's the people for whom there is no excuse that I mind.
10. I love to play video games.
11. I get bored easily.
12. I hate writing.
13. I sometimes must admit I can be shallow about people.
14. I am tired alot
15. I worry about the future
16. I'm still single.
17. I hate sports.
18. I've not learned what's really important already.
19. I wish some of my friends would help me with my problems sometimes.
20. I check my e-mail way more than I should.
21. I want to be a electronics engineer.
22. I hate when my brother pokes me with sticks.
23. I like my state so I probly won't move in the future.
24. Asking me to join an RPG is a waste of time if it sucks and dosent have a point. Way too many people ask me to join a pointless one.
25. I tend to be competitive so I try to be the best at everything, which is a bad habbit.
26. I have a brother who, for the most part, is pretty damn stupid.
27. I was the first person in my family to be a gamer.
28. I'm a weird person.
29. I lack the virtue of patience.
30. I love most animals.
31. I wish I could get a guitar and learn to play it.
32. Humans shouldn't treat any other species as if they have no feelings.
33. I just surf the net when theres nothing to do.
34. Bratty kids irritate me, but their parents usually irritate me more.
35. I'm the half silent and half loud type.
36. Dissecting stuff can be fun, but I still think it's sad. An animal was born just to be killed and have all of its body parts taken out and examined by stupid kids.
37. I keep my room clean, darn you parents...
38. I really do hate people. I just like individuals persons.
39. Single and not looking.
40. My name is common which I wish I didnt have a common name.
41. I am sometimes patient. Except with stupid, or annoying people.
42. I like people who are a bit out of the ordinary.
43. My teeth are sorta bad.
44. I live in a house in the suburbs.
45. I could care less about how people look in cloths.
46. I watch Simpsons all the time.
47. I've never willingly followed a trend. I've stumbled into some, though.
48. I've always wanted to have a computer in my room.
49. I am impressed with the technology behind the internet.
50. I want to make money doing what I love.
51. I like silence at times.
52. I hate all my subjects at school.
53. I don't believe in organized religion, but believe in a higher power.
54. I hate people who tell me that I can't do something.
55. I like being alone sometimes.
56. I rarely plan out LJ entries in my mind.
57. I wish I had more energy.
58. I need to exercise.
59. I think it's nice when my friends write me letters and e-mails. (As long as they aren't chain letters)
60. I'm bored all the time.
61. I am sarcastic.
62. I collect random objects. OOO SHINEY THING!
63. I overreact about things sometimes.
64. I love listening to MP3s.
65. I have odd dreams.
66. I dream about video games a lot.
67. I don't understand how people can't have at least one phobia.
68. I think it's sad that things lower on the food chain get eaten, but it is inevitable. It's also sad the vegetarians don't realize this.
69. I think GW Bush is the worst possible President the US could have at this time.
70. I am easily amused.
71. I like the snow.
72. I like cookies.
73. I'm online a lot. I have no life.
74. I know a lot of stuff that I never intended to learn. Like about internet codes, PHP, HTML, ect.
75. I am human, although it would be awesome to be something else for a little while.
76. I try not to judge people, but end up doing so anyways.
77. I read occasionally.
78. I only read a book more than once if it is really great.
79. I have a few secrets.
80. I do belive that this test is long and annoying.
81. I can be hard to deal with sometimes.
82. I have won only one award for writing.
83. I catch onto things fairly quickly.
84. I don't like some of my family members.
85. On some issues, I'm very firm in my beliefs.
86. I am male.
87. I don't understand why anyone in their right mind would oppose gay civil marriage.
88. I'm not proud of who I am.
89. I like only few manga and anime.
90. I sometimes have the feeling that I'm not going to go anywhere in life.
91. I don't smoke or drink.
92. I don't care who watches the Disney channel and who doesn't.
93. I like broccoli.
94. I understand our place in this world. I know for a fact that most people who say this think that our place is something other than what I think though.
95. I never drink alcoholic beverages.
96. I don't take advantage of people; I take advantage of situations.
97. I hate making phone calls.
98. Our city's kids are getting nowhere fast in terms of love.
99. I would consider getting a tattoo.
100. I am done with this survey now.
Meh... that was boring..