First, i would like to thank
that_sheep for my icon.
Second, does anyone know how to upload a mood theme, cos I dunno how to do it?
And yes, I saw 300 and it was spectacular. Fortunately it already exists as a dvd copy courtesy of my lovely pirate officemates so I can see it again and spend it staring at people's abs.
I saw it with miel, gutsy, andee & sacha. I don't think Sacha liked it all that much. I think she read it too political (was this the americans making it? we were all, uhm its really based on the comic that was made ages ago...) and she felt that the guys were _too_buff.
I disagree. Oh and Miel, can you believe the cutie patootie (see my icon) is the guy from Mile High!?!?! (don't tell me you haven't caught that show randomly on late night tv) I saw the episode when he first started and he was like this dorky innocent whatever dude. He looks so much better with longer hair.
There is so much slash potential in this movie, especially between cute young guy (astinos) and slightly crazy laughing guy. (Gay, where are you? This is completely your territory)
And btw, Andee now has an LJ:
deseoamibombero. She made it out of her own volition, but I ended up setting up the themes and grabbing her user pics and making her friends...she is friends with Gutsy, Miel, Den & if you want to friend her, feel free.
I totally heart 300. (I And if you had any doubt about them abs, watch theees:
And according to this video, the fighting has like "heavy filipino influence"