May 02, 2006 21:21
Yesterday I put the rope light mum got me for christmas around the shelf in my room - I love lights and they have so many patterns they flash in... I could sit and watch them for hours. Really had a hard job sleeping last night... not that I couldn't sleep, just that I kept waking up really hot and with a dry throat. Had an even harder time waking up this morning, felt rough as. Voice was all croaky and it felt like i had a finger pushing into my throat when I tried to swallow. Luckily I didn't have any lessons to teach, I set coverwork for a supply to do my English class and went into the SAT's to invidulate instead, had one almost lesson - almost in that half were on the school trip to London, the rest were absent or excluded with the exception of one who was skiving so I went back into the art and photography lesson I was helping out in. Juliet gave me my bday present of a full sketch book for my PGCE. Part of me feels bad as I know it is ethically wrong. But a bigger part of me thinks sod it, i will still learn to draw as I will need it, but a 4wk deadline was never going to help matters.
God I just feel so tired at the moment all I have the energy to do is lie on my bed - really need to do my eyebrows tho.
Oooooh get me posting!