Oct 19, 2008 21:54
Friday night I got home about 8:30 from my travels. Packed for the event the next day and we had an early start. It was a great event. I delivered the gift to Wat from England. I fought and did okay. I am out of practice and was sore almost right away. A got a partial massage at the event and that helped. I think some yoga this week. The event flew by and we had to leave our firends.
Today I was at home and I worked slowly on cleaning up my kit for Crown Tourney. I am disappointed that my plans for many new items are not to be realized excepted for some things made by my sweetie. I took L'lyn to the park.
I am suppose to be home all week. I am looking forward to it.
Crown Tourney next weekend. Fourteen combatants of which 9 are Knights. It will be a challenging day.