misc. graphics

Apr 21, 2012 18:37

Made for film_land

- Despicable Me (10 Icons, 02 Wallpaper)
- The Adventures of Tintin (05 Icons)
- The Hobbit (05 Icons, 01 Tumblr, 01 Wallpaper)
- Sherlock Holmes (02 Wallpaper)
- Angels and Demons (01 Wallpaper)
- Batman (01 Wallpaper)
- Star Trek (01 Wallpaper)
- Twillight (01 Wallpaper)
- The Hunger Games (01 Tumblr)
- Pirates of the Caribbean (01 Tumblr)
- The Chronicles of Narnia (01 Tumblr)


Despicable Me

10 Icons
prompt: textures



2 Wallpaper
prompt: textures


The Adventures of Tintin

05 Icons
prompt: levels


The Hobbit

05 Icons
prompt: negative space


01 Tumblr
prompt: levels


01 Wallpaper
prompt: negative space


Sherlock Holmes

02 Wallpaper
prompt: negative space


Angels and Demons

01 Wallpaper
prompt: rainbow



01 Wallpaper
prompt: rainbow


Star Trek

01 Wallpaper
prompt: rainbow



01 Wallpaper
prompt: rainbow


The Hunger Games

01 Tumblr
prompt: levels


Pirates of the Caribbean

01 Tumblr
prompt: levels


The Chronicles of Narnia

01 Tumblr
prompt: negative space


Textures by drankmywar and emmahyphenjane

rest ....

Resources / Credits


- Please credit to larmay if you use my graphics
- If using for forums, homepages, blogs, etc. please credit in your signature or under the graphic
- Comments about my graphics are ♥
- NO hotlinking
- Don´t claim or edit my graphics as your own
- Feel free to join or watch for updates

And thats all. Enjoy and have fun! :)

* graphic: wallpaper(s), * graphic: tumblr(s), movie: other(s), movie: pirates of the caribbean, movie: the hunger games, movie: the chronicles of narnia, * graphic: icon(s), movie: lord of the rings / hobbit, movie: sherlock holmes

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