Turnips, while more historically accurate as jack-o-lanterns, are significantly more difficult to carve than pumpkins, by merit of being both possessed of flesh significantly harder than pumpkin-flesh and by being distinctly not-hollow. Shortly before this last 31st of October,
dark_age_gal, J., St., and I went about carving such, both as a nod to historical veracity and because the local supermarket was out of small pumpkins. Hollowing out the turnips to the extent necessary to allow for carving took the bulk of the time, and involved the use of screwdrivers as chisels and strong spoons for scraping as much as it involved knives and artistic flair. The results are below, with additional photos involving people in a following, friends-locked post.
My contribution, also pictured above at the beginning of the post.
The comical entries from St. and
dark_age_gal on the left, mine on the right. The remaining turnip was too dim to show up well.
The four turnips produced, along with a tiny sampling of the huge quanity of turnip shavings and bits that littered the kitchen and filled the compost bin.