Apr 09, 2006 19:42
Spring has arrived. Randy robins and other songbirds are trying to get some outside my bedroom window at obscene hours of the morning. Somehow, STFU! doesn't seem to work on creatures that are literally, well, bird-brained.
The first flowers are up. I also had a great plan of martha stewarting and trying to force forsythia. It worked great, except for one thing - all I got were leaves. My green thumb is undisputed; it's my yellow thumb in this case that is sadly lacking.
The cold frame seeds are all starting to sprout like gangbusters. Unhappily, I seemed to have used a non-waterproof marker to label about half the containers, so this growing season will very much be a mystery. Thank goodness that most of what I sowed was collected off plants in my gardens or from plants I recognized. I will at least have a hope of figuring out what's what.
The hyacinths and amaryllises (ii?) that I rescued off the Target after xmas clearance are all in spectacular bloom inside too, so there's color all around.
It's so hard to go to work once it really starts to get nice. Somehow, when it's close to zero and dark when you go to work and dark when you get home, it's easy to say "well might as well go there, because it's not like I'm missing anything!" But now - all sorts of wonderful things are going on outside.