Feb 12, 2006 21:14
Last night my parents went out to Boston, so I hosted an EXTREME sleepover party with Ed and Lyndsey. It was a sleepover TO THE EXTREEEME!!! First I picked up Ed. We got supplies at Hannaford and made peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. We then ventured to Harvard to rescue Lyndsey from a couple of weird kids I don't know. Back at my house, we ate cookies and gamed it up. Lots of Katamari, some DDR, and SPACE CHANNEL 5!!! CHUUU!! Lynz fell asleep on the couch and Ed and I spent a half hour trying to crash our cars into each other in Grand Turismo 4.
This morning we had waffles and Lynsey's home made donuts, played more Katamari, then had lunch, played more Katamari/Grand Turismo, played Monopoly. Lynsey won. Finally around 7 the blizzard let up enough for me to drive them home. It was wicked fun, guys, we should do it again sometime. :)
My sister is coming home tomorrow!! <3