Nov 20, 2010 23:33
Okay, so. For those who don't know, there's this thing in the theatre world called Thespians. And Thespians go to competitions and... compete. And stuff. For years, I have listened to my out-of-school theatre friends talk on and on about how they're going to districts and how they got Best In Show, and I'd always feel left out because my school didn't do Thespians because one of our old directors who left last year had an issue with it. But now that he's gone, we reformed our troupe! And today was my first ever Thespian competition!
Compared to most troupes, our troupe is really tiny. And we only formed the troupe in August, while others have been preparing since last year. Anyway, we kind of were awesome and got superiors or excellent in everything. My fellow March sisters and I did Five Forever from Little Women for our Small Group Musical and we got straight superiors! Superior is the best you can get on a piece, and if you get all of the judges to give you superior, then it's straight superior. Aaaaaand we might be doing Five Forever at States, which is really exciting to think about.
I am so excited for the announcement on Monday in assembly. Sports and forensics make constant announcements, but never theatre. BUT THAT WILL ALL CHANGE. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
little women,