(no subject)

Feb 18, 2011 07:31

I never have been fully paid for that car; I've only received $300 so far. Dan made empty promises for a full month before starting to pay me $100 a week, then Jane told me at the end of January that sometime around February 24th she'd get money in and would pay me the lump sum of the remaining $400. I told her that was fine and I could wait.
Last night at our bi-monthly work meeting one of my coworkers took me aside and told me in a hushed whisper that Dan had sold the car. I looked at her and said a polite version of, "and?..." Dan could blow up that car for all I care. I do not instantly assume that his intentions toward me are foul if I hear that he's sold it. Good for him! He deserves a better one now that he's pulling in some money. But that doesn't erase his debt, and both Dan and I know that.
Back to the conversation. My coworker kept counseling me to "stand strong" with Dan to make sure I would get my money. My reaction was mostly one of amusement. I told her it would be fine and kept repeating that until Karen, my boss, called us over.
She even tried to start it up again once the meeting was over, but luckily Karen wanted to talk to me about something in the kitchen. Dramatic women. I don't know why Jane was telling all this stuff to my coworker anyhow; this is something between me and Dan and we can both handle ourselves like adults. Then again, Jane is another one of those gossippy and dramatic women.

Anyway, we'll see what happens tomorrow. I still doubt that they're going to stiff me; perhaps that's the blind idealist coming out. I know they had many problems with the car and it was in the shop at least twice, but I don't feel bad about this or think that I am owed any less money - I repeatedly told Dan before he took it that there were serious problems with the vehicle.
So far I still don't regret selling them that car. I know that Dan would never have had his great job without that vehicle, occasionally problematic though it was. I essentially gave it to them for free for the first month until he started pulling in money, without interest; who else would have done that?

Sigh. I'm very irritated at my coworker for telling me about that. I'd rather not stress about this, mostly because I can't do a thing about it until Saturday anyway, and now on some level I am worrying about it. All her words were purposed to serve was to make me mad at Dan, which would destroy any clear communication between us if there really is a problem. Horrible stuff. Sometimes, I really hate women. 
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