Spoilers afoot...
I decided yesterday that I'm going to reread the book again. Honestly I don't think I read it well enough the first time to really try and enjoy it and absorb it. I was totally rushing, read most of it in a car while being frequently interrupted, read several of the later crucial chapters by light from my cell phone and totally rush read the last bit. So I'm going to read it again starting tomorrow, slowly this time. Considering it's the last Harry Potter book I think it's worth my time.
And as far as the ending goes, maybe I'll feel better on my second readthrough. And if I don't, whatever. It's J.K. Rowling's book. She did what she wanted, and that's what you really have to do when you're writing - you have to feel comfortable with what you've done.
Still don't know what the guy behind Lemony Snicket was thinking...