I've been a Yankee fan for over ten years. And over those 10 years I have had my favorite players and such. But I always had a rule. And that rule was "No pitchers". I didn't want to have any pitchers as one of my favorite players. The pitcher's job is the most important. One day they're great, the next they stink. They're unpredictable. They're heartbreakers. So no pitchers as favorite players. Nope. None.
Not until last year. Last year Javier Vazquez came to the Yankees. He was hot and he was pretty good. I went out and bought the Vazquez shirt. I added him to my sacred hat. I had broken the "No pitcher" rule. And I would soon regret it. Vazquez's quality of a pitcher declined. He was still hot, but that didn't cut it anymore. Long story short, Vazquez is no longer a Yankee. But I'm stuck with the shirt and I'm stuck with having his name on the once sacred hat. So, after last year, I said "NO MORE PITCHERS! NO MATTER WHAT!" (Even though I had also become a big fan of Tanyon Sturtze as well... At least they kept him, and he wasn't hot, so I could deal with that.)
So anyway, I came into this season determined to stick to my "no pitchers" rule once more.
On Tuesday one of our new pitchers took the mound against Boston. Carl Pavano - we got him from the Marlins. I was kinda sorta watching the game, not paying too much attention. We won. Later I talked to Brian. He said, "Do you think Pavano is hot?" I said, "What?" He said, "A lot of girls on the message board think he's hot."
In all honesty, I hadn't gotten a good look at him. I wasn't paying that much attention. Later I put on the replay. When I turned it on it was one of the later innings and he had already been taken out.
But then they cut to him in the dugout.
And OH. MY. GOD. The man is BREATHTAKING. He literally took my breath away.
Needless to say, the 'no pitcher' rule? Out the door once more.
So there's my dilemna. AGAIN. Hopefully this time things will turn out better.
I'm going to the game on Sunday to watch Carl pitch. I just bought the tickets. I didn't buy them just to see him, I also bought them because they're playing Baltimore, and that's the only team I really can't remember seeing play the Yankees. I've seen Baltimore play - I've been to Camden Yards (they played the Twins) - but I don't remember if I've seen them play the Yankees. Every other American League team I can at least vaugley remember seeing. I must have seen them play Baltimore before, but I just don't remember. But now I'll know for sure!