Feb 02, 2005 07:14
Thirteen random things you like:
01) bOyS
02) KiSsEs
03) dAnCiNg
04) SiNgiNg
05) PiNk
06) fOnE
07) cOmPuTeR
08) dR. pEpPeR
09) fRiEnDs
10) FaMiLy
11) TV
12) MuSiC
13) fUn
Twelve movies:
01) "A Cinderella Story"
02) "Elf"
03) "Dodgeball"
03) "The Grudge"
04) "White Noise"
05) "Meet The Fockers"
06) "Shallow Hal"
07) "Finding Nemo"
08) "The Grinch"
09) "Freaky Friday"
10) "Not Another Teen Movie"
11) "Princess Diaries II"
12) "Dirty Dancing"
Eleven good bands/artists:
01) Green Day
02) Simple Plan
03) Ashanti
04) JoJo
05) Hilary Duff
06) Usher
07) Eminem
08) Linkin Park
09) Blink 182
10) Jessica Simpson
11) Ashlee Simpson
Ten things about you:
01) i hAvE bLoNdE hAiR
02) iM 5'8"
03) i wEaR a TiArA! lOl
04) i LiKe KiSsiNg PeOpLe! hEhE : )
05) mY nAmEs LaRiSsA
06) i LiKe BaSkEtBaLL
07) i pLaYeD pOwDeR pUfF fOoTbaLL LaSt NiTe..lOl ?
08) i hAtE sUpEr iMmAtUrE pEoPLe..
09) iM wHiTe! hAhA
10) i LiKe tHa CoLoR PiNk! : )
Nine good friends:
01) HeAtHeR bLaNcHaRd
02) PoRsHiA lOcOcO
03) GaBbY mOrGaN
04) cOrEy sMiTh
05) ChRiStiNa SpUrLoCk
06) GrEg KeNnEy
07) MiKa
08) DoNi/cRyStaL sWaNk
09) DrEw PoPe
Eight favorite foods/drinks:
01) PiZzA
02) Dr. PePpEr
03) NoOdLeS
04) cHiCkEn FiNgErS
05) BrEaD sTiX
06) FrEnCh ToAsT
07) aPpLe jUiCe
08) jUnK fOoD!
Seven things you wear daily:
01) cLoThEs! lOl dUh..
02) mY iRiSh RiNg..
03) FuCk bRaCeLeTs! <~ hAhA i wEaR tHoSe tOo pHiL!
04) fLiP fLoPs
05) uNdErWeAr lOl
06) bRa
07) PaNtS/sKiRtS/sHoRtS/cApRiS
Six things that annoy you:
01) sTuPiD iMmAtUrE PeOpLe..(eVeRy1 bUt jOsH CaLLaHaN! hAhA jP)
02) sLuTs..
03) sRy NoT 2 b MeAn 2 SuMa My gAy gUy fRiEnDs, bUt ThA wHoLe GuY oN gUy tHiNg..iCk!
04) HaViNg 2 gEt Up sO eArLy iN tHa mOrNiNg..*oN sChOoL dAyZ*
05) tEaChErS!
06) PeOpLe ThAt R hOtT tHaT kNo iT aNd R DiCkhEaDs aBoUt iT!
Five things you touch everyday:
01) MySeLf! hAhA
02) mY fRiEnDs
03) jOsH CaLLaHaN! hAhA (hE tOLd mE 2 pUt tHat!)
04) mY LaPtOp
05) mY bEd
Four shows you watch:
01) RoOm RaiDeRs
02) aShLeE SiMpSoN sHoW
03) DeSpiRaTe HoUsE WiVeS
04) 7tH hEaVeN
Three celebrities you have a crush on:
01) JeSsE mCcArTnEy
02) BrAd PiTt
03) mArK mCgRaTh
Two people you'd like to kiss:
01) tHiS mAy B oDd lOl N i KnO uR gOnA rEaD tHiS bUt o WeLL..RoBbY HuKiLL! : )
02) jEsSe McCaRtNeY! lOl *DrEaMiN* bUt 4 rEaL..uMm..iDk..cOrEy sMiTh..? lOl oR hEaThEr bLaNcHaRd! hAhA :-P
One person you could spend the rest of your life with:
01) uMm..sUmOnE tHaT i lOvE n ThAt lOvEs Me BaCk AnD sUmOnE tHaT mAkEs Me LaUgH!