Nov 23, 2012 12:10
1. Save enough money to go to the dentist. Go to the dentist. (I don't have dental insurance and I do have a lot of other bills, so this is tricky. However, I've just climbed out of a pit of insurance crap, so I'm feeling optimistic.)
Bwahhahahhahahaha! No. I think the closest I got was to make a list for a number of prospective dentists in August.
2. Keep on top of insurance stuff, and the medical appointments I need, without living in fear of those envelopes coming in the mail. (Ambition!)
Actually, I did do a pretty good job of this, after a rough start to the year when Harvard Pilgrim decided to not cover therapy and in August when they decided not to cover the crazy pills, I managed my reimbursements and payment tracking well.
3. Figure out a consistent spiritual practice. (This one is something I find myself doing at least a little bit every year, but it seems like something I should really work harder on.)
I did a lot of meditating, praying, and reading relatively consistently this year. I'll never be Charlie (Charlene?) Church, but I have made the effort to be less concerned with the ephemeral material short term, etc.
4. Progress in my Spanish studies.
Done! I am now on par with a college sophomore majoring in Spanish.
5. Get to the point in therapy where I feel happy and comfortable switching to a "maintenance" schedule of every other week, because I think it's time.
Well, I did this though having the worst panic attack I've had in years, wherein I freaked everyone in my immediate orbit out and was put on some heavy drugs, but that needed to happen and I am less dependent on my therapist now. So, done!
6. Increase the amount of money I save every month.
Done! From $100 to $200.
7. Finally pay my parents back the money I borrowed for my health insurance premiums when the museum cut the hours I was able to work two years ago. (Debt-wise, I have only just sort of recovered from that hours cut. Bastards.)
Eh, sort of. It was hard getting them to accept some money but I did. Not all of it though.
8. Continue taking halfway decent care of the car. (I have a love/hate relationship with cars that sometimes spreads to me not cleaning them when I should.)
Well, it's not a junk heap, but it needs to be cleaned on the outside and I have no plans to do it.
9. Work more on being assertive at work, especially now that I've heard they were looking to give me more leadership-type duties.
Yup, I've gotten people to help out with the paperwork, even though they don't stick around. I've also had a few talks about my career.
10. Be more aware of appearance, because a woman of thirty shouldn't be surprised by noticing what she's wearing halfway through the day. (Not that I look dowdy, because I actually get complements on my clothes a lot of the time, but I just should be more aware.)
Yup, no bathing suits falling apart or pants ripping this year too. (Last year I had a few wardrobe malfunctions because I was trying to make things last till the end of the season when they clearly weren't going to.)11. Less 5ks, more 10ks
Ran 4 10ks this year and am registered to run the First Run 10K in Lowell this year.