Sep 25, 2005 11:25
Yesterday was a happy day. Mum and I went clothes shopping, and, alas, sounds very air-headed and floozy to say this, but it really cheered me up. Most of my clothes now seem to be marrony-pink colours, which is odd. I thought blue was my colour. The only problem was getting home. For some reason the buses were really packed up and infrequent and we watched severeal 82s and 13s go past without being able to get on. In the end we walked the whole way up Oxford Street trying to get on the buses stops early... and reached Oxford Circus tube station. Hence, we went home by Underground. It took about an hour and a half before we started going home, which one doesn't really expect in central London.
I think I have either tonsillitus or a throat infection now. :S There are white spots on my tonsils and my glands are still swollen.
Today Mum and I see Pride and Prejudice! With (hiss) Keira (hiss) Knightley. I'm pretty certain I will be inspired to draw pretty dresses by it...
Mickey's LJ post got me wondering about randomness... I don't think me joining SSRPG was really very random. After all, I got to know Ash the summer I joined, and she'd just made the website, and knew I liked Sailor Moon, so it was fairly obvious she'd ask me to join. Never realised how important the whole thing would become to me! And now, apparently, I'm manager of it. Still a bit confused by that- may have to ask Ash about it. Anyway, even if I hadn't met Ash, I still think I'd have heard about SSRPG through Victoria. We were very close that summer. *sighs* And now she is my antagonistic soulmate, according to Mum.
As for deviantArt and all the people I know there... I only joined that 'cause I'd seen Mickey's account and I was bored one afternoon at the end of Lent term. And as it turned out, dA was a hugely positive thing for me to join. I draw far more than I did now. I used to have rather a bad attitude to drawing. The randomness thing really kicks in when I think about the growth of my fictional characters that I've come to love... some of them are entirely freakish creations. But my throat hurts too much to write now. I'm going to find tea.