Coursera. Week 3. Mail-art.

Jun 13, 2013 19:11

             Coursera. Week 3. Mail-art.
Correspondence of memory
Вам пакет!!!

"Воспоминания о путешествиях"

Задание 3-й недели было создать конверт и письмо в стиле Mail-Art.
Честно скажу, что ничего не знала об этом виде искусства. Пришлось разбираться.
Начала вырисовываться идея. На конверте я сначала изобразила горы и море, осуществив свою давнюю мечту порисовать акварелью перспективу горных хребтов. Их контуры повторяют строчки из писем, а у моря между камнями валяются выпавшие из контекста буквы. Ветки деревьев и кустарников складываются в неясную вязь арабских слов и иероглифов.
Всегда, когда вы находитесь на лоне природы, цивилизация отходит на другой план. Изображение города в окошке - напоминание о ней. Что хранит моя память? Путешествия в разные страны (гербы), достопримечательности (марка с замком).

Письмо настоящее!
Чтобы не попало в чужие руки, завязано шпагатом и скреплено печатью с изображением незнакомца, хранителя печати.

А внутри напоминания:
о времени - оно быстротечно, иногда мгновения останавливаются, иногда проходят впустую!
о путешестивиях, которые были и которые еще будут в моей жизни!
о горах, где еще не бывал...

Moments of journeys
1. How was it made?
To complete my assignment I took a piece of watercolor paper and cut it out in the envelope shape. I filled the background using watercolor to make it not very bright. Afterward, using ink I made some handwritings. Then I cut out some small pictures from journal and glued them on the envelope. I also used thread as a symbol of post rope.
2. What story or message does it get across?
On the envelope background I painted mountains, beach and sea. I emphasize the counters of the mountains by handwriting sentences. On the beach there are rocks with some letters between them. Some bushes and trees look like hieroglyphs or Arabic script. Every time when you are outside, you get the messages from your memory through such signs, recalling crowds of people, big cities, etc. You can find the memory of them in the envelope windows. The image of the city looks like something unnatural.
3. Why did you create it?
What is in my memory? It includes trips to other countries, with flags presented on the envelope, places to visit (see the stamp with the castle on the right corner of the envelope), the beautiful nature with mountains, beaches and seas. All my memories are put together with the thread and keep my secrets with the “wax” seal. Inside the envelope one can find three images that refresh my memory: the watch tells me about time that pasts very fast, the image of the airplane - about my past and future journeys, and picture of mountains reminding me the places which excites so much. In the back side of the envelope I placed my personal stamp made in China. You may ask me who is the man on the seal? I don't really know. Probably he is a postman or wizard!?
I hope you will like my work and we have common feeling of memories.

UPD: Моя оценка - 24 (из 25)

Placement of image within picture plane and use of space - 4 (из 5)

peer 1 → Thank you for this trip around the world in a few seconds. It feel to me like an introduction to more exciting things. The sealed in secrets intrigue me and I would love to see more. the work makes me curious about more specific stories and maybe you should tell the viewer a more personal and specific story next time you make an envelope. I love your skillful use of watercolors. Well done. The rope is a stroke of genius. That is my favorite part. It makes the secret even stronger. Over all, I am very impressed with your work. It is well thought out and executed with skill. Congratulations.

peer 2 → Congratulations, in general I found your work original and fresh. I'd only suggest to pratice more with the cutting...

peer 3 → What can I say except :Job well done !!

Мои работы, другие техники, 365 sketches, coursera, Другие техники

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