Aug 27, 2006 01:15
Oh my, life has been to boring to update recently. The people I wanted to meet I didnt meet, those I wanted to catch up with never caught up, except an army friend whos back for the last time before he gets shipped out way over there... It was weird tho cause I just woke up to him snapping and being all dazed from just waking up I shrugged it off till I realized holy shit hes actually here. Anyway. Those of you who think im addicted to WoW (I'm not) will be happy to hear that I got started in a d20 WoW campaign. That really doesnt help my im not addicted to WoW statement though... whatever. Papa John's sucks balls so im going to be putting in my 2 weeks in a few days here. Been hanging with Keto alot recently, fun times.