The Postcrossing World Map Quilt

Sep 08, 2017 15:04

On my Postcrossing profile, I asked for swatches of fabric to use in a(n eventual) quilt. The gallery link is here:
Original post date: 08 September 2017
The original Postcrossing world map quilt was completed on 10 April 2021! All remaining and future fabrics will go into the next Postcrossing quilt

Fabric listing update: 14 May 2021

The World Map Plan, originally posted 2017: I'm going to make a World Map quilt, which I've wanted to do for some time. :D I found an outline map of the world's countries and embiggened it, and did the math wrong so it's, like, 6+'/2m wide, but you know what? That's actually good enough for a wall hanging. ^_^

Any and all Postcrossing fabric swatches will go into this. There are countries of all sizes, so if I get big swatches, they go to the US, Canada, Australia, Russia, etc and small swatches go to the many smaller countries.

There are ~200 countries in the world, but many of them (Singapore, Vatican City) are too tiny to show even on this map. So let's say ~130-150 countries are actually represented. That's not bad by swatch standards. The water will be separate fabric, I figure a blue tonal will work well.

I've been asked if it would be fabric from countries to represent those countries, but given I am likely to get many from Europe and none from Africa or S.A., that won't work. It'll be based on swatch size, really.

I'm very excited about this project and can't wait to see what fabrics I receive! :D

Update, Spring 2021: The world map is finished! So I'm working on the next Postcrossing quilt project!

I'm listing them by card # because I can easily look those up in PX archives.

From CA-750874:
Cotton(?) shirting with gold/tan floral

From DE-6433536:
White cotton with blue fleur de lis

From DE-6489392:
Maroon synthetic, leaf pattern?

From DE-6526303:
Pastels/scarf type print

From DE-6628370:
Stretchy "leggings" type fabric, black with floral

From RU-6072953:
A lovely traditional Russian pattern!

To US-5029344:
This was a card sent from me to the recipient in France, and he was nice enough to send me fabrics afterward :) A big piece each of French Jacquard and English billiard cloth!

From AT-363410
A blue plaid weave (I may have scanned the wrong side, oops):

From CZ-1292986
A swatch of new truck/bus seat upholstery fabric. Nifty!

From LV-281040
Some woven ribbon in red and white. Beautiful! Will be challenging to use this in the world map, but I have a plan :)

From RU-6134351
There's a little stretch in this so I'll have to be careful how to cut it, but it's a lovely color.

From FI-3147719
Isn't this pretty! I need to cut carefully to get that floral into a country shape :)

From IT-435753
This story came with it:
"I love so much your project! I send you a piece of a scarf, isn't beautiful or expensive, but is a piece of my grandmother Luigia. She dead in 2013 but I loved her so much and I want she lives a little in your amazing project!"
This gave me goosebumps and brought tears to my eyes. I'm so honored to be given this piece.

From AT-371354
This is described as a tea towel "which is hand-woven and very, very old".

From FI-3167959
I'll have to use this one for a country big enough for the whole cow!

From RU-6274690 (who made a very nice handmade card, uploaded at that link)
Two pieces: a swatch of plaid (held in place with washi tape in the card mailed to me) and some braid. An excerpt of the letter:
" a house that was on the top of a hill in the forest where my place is... now I come there when I'm sad. I found the scrap of cloth in the same place. The braid was my grandmother's. This tape is more than 40 years old."

From postcrosser Wiese as part of a congratulations and thanks for hosting the Alphabet Bingo, I got these two pieces, and this note, which I translated into English:
I think your world map quilt is really great and therefore I would like to send you material for it. Some years ago I sewed linen from the orange and from the blue my mother sewed clothes for me and my sister for the wedding of her brother (my uncle).
Also, I've been looking for the two (and a few others) for a handcrafted project. Namely, I want to sew a postcard (US-4858299), which I got, after sewing. On it is the image of a stuffed elephant in a colorful hot air balloon. So far I have only come to choose fabrics.
Let's see who quickly gets out of both!

From DE-7076850:
"[This fabric is] not only German but from Lower Saxony (in the north of Germany, my home."

From FI-3213414:
I love this moose fabric! It's so cute! :D

From RU-6376068:
The sender is a veterinarian in Moscow and sent a big piece with images relating to her profession. :)

From FR-1019836:
This may not actually *be* from France (she says) but the sender is from France, so that's what counts. :)

From DE-7096002:
A nice fat quarter of a "sequin" print.

I have this one but I did not save it with the postcard ID! If this is yours, please let me know so I can credit you!

From US-5355169:
An adorable monkey print! "I made a dress for my granddaughter from this fabric."

From CA-820082:
"My wife used the rest of this fabric to make a baby dress for friends."

From MD-55824:
Three fabrics today from Moldova!

These fabrics are from MD-55824. Can't wait to use them!

These 4 come from UA-1645977. They're precut hexagons and all go together.

These next 3 come from US-5439922. Nice large pieces. I always love Hawaiian shirt themes and the surfing dogs are just too funny. :D

From RU-6609604:

From DE-7284335:

From US-5438489: A charm pack of Moda's "Modern Background: Ink" collection. It's mostly blacks and grays with text/symbols/print on them, which is pretty cool, but I can only use one piece of it for the world map quilt, so I have to choose carefully. Still, what a wonderful gift! :D

From RU-6675305:

From RU-6602736, five different swatches!:

From RU-6675322:

From DE-7416433, a couple of two-tone swatches:

And from Thubcabe in Switzerland, whom I know from the PX forums, a nice big piece of red and white stripes:

From NL-4184019, several lovely swatches!
Translated: "The red/black geometric patterns are also from the Zeeland costume. The everyday aprons were made of these fabrics (but only from the black and white, the red ones are modern.) The white silk is from my bridal costume, the little white lace flowers are from my mother's wedding dress.
The other materials are handicrafts, I think that you will find a good use for it.

(Note the little American flag! This must be a US-source fabric)

Very nautical theme

Bridal lace and wedding dress piece

Black/white and red/white geometric patterns

From FI-3309430, three fabrics.
"I send you some left-over fabrics from the quilted blanket I made for my goddaughter 5 years ago when she graduated at confirmation school."

A very generous gift from from LT-631497 - seven fabrics and a beautiful piece of lace!
She says: "I have read all your profile with the greatest pleasure. You are a very interesting personality and your hobbies are so cute and cozy. I had great pleasure for my eyes and soul :)
I have chosen for you the textile fragments from my daughter's handicraft box and I really hope that it will be ok for your quilts. Best wishes from Lithuania."
Different sizes and colors, all very welcome in my quilt project! (Lace not pictured, my scanner doesn't like lace and some patterns for some reason.)

Today's fabric update is from TR-386232 with two pieces of fabric. From the postcard:
I hope I was at my mum's house now, so I could find a wide variety of fabric patterns! She always holds a lot of leftovers ^_^ These I'm sending are from my house; one of them is a piece of bed linens and the other one is from the scrubs I wear to work every day."
What a wonderful couple of fabrics!

This one comes from FR-1079753, a nice large piece.

From FI-3226719:

And from NL-4208355, this fabric, with the note "The fabric is of my husband's Christmas village."

From FI-3316551:

From NL-4213243:
"I bought the fabric in a tourist shop in Amsterdam. It's typical Dutch and inspired by the traditional blue ceramics painting Delfts Blauw."

From RU-6814327, two pieces:

From NL-4240219, a length of pink ribbon.

And from FI-3366238, a navy blue piece with butterflies.

My first fabric from Indonesia, from ID-277805! Three pieces of genuine Indonesian batiks. Scrap pieces but that's fine, I especially like the top piece.

My first fabric from Belgium! BE-607930:

And a really nice little piece from Russia's Far East, RU-6929168. I need to find a country on the map big enough to keep the heart shape intact! ^_^

My first piece from Japan! JP-1201692:

From NL-4285323:

From FI-3409943:

From BY-2420992 (Belarus) comes this piece. "I send you the fabric - it's linen, which is made in Belaurs. I printed the picture myself." It's so soft and I honestly don't know if I can bring myself to cut a piece for the world map! ^_^;

A fabric from the US, and one from someone else who's made a Postcrossing quilt! This one comes from US-5831457. "My fabric is from my very first quilt - blue, white, red."

All three of these come from DE-7987715.

This was sent to me from the recipient of my card US-5706186. It's beautiful embroidery from Czechia.

Several swatches from DE-8014583:

Two matching pieces from CZ-1536965:

From NL-4340266:

This fabric comes from FI-3453763 who says: "This red fabric is made by Marimekko, world famous design, Finnish."

From GB-1097245: "My mother went into a care home because of dementia, and one of the many things that I brought home, after we'd cleaned her bungalow, was a pile of hankies! The enclosed is much too nice to blow my nose on, so I hope you'll use it on your quilt!"
(I didn't need my heart today! ^^;; How touching!)

Both of these are from RU-7249877. The first is Christmasy and the second is a patchwork print.

Marimekko fabric from FI-3487936

Ribbon from DE-8170252.

From FI-3498620:
"I send you a part of a Finnish national folk costume! It is the upper back part of dress and you can use it without the lining of course. (It was just easier to send it with it.) I found the dress at fleamarket, it was old and partly broken (as you can see) but the skirt was fine. So I cut it to two pieces and now use the skirt sometimes. :)
"The dress is Puulaveden Kansallispuku if you want to google it and see it. I also have the "pocket" (and the shirt, but shirt is also unusable).
"I think the fabric is wool and it is made with loom. Usually the women wove fabric by themselves and sew dresses too, by hand if dress is really old. For me it seems this was made by hand... My interest to national dresses is coming from my school time, I studied to be a weaver."

These all come from DK-61776. I love, LOVE the mushroom fabric! Mom does too, she said there were lots of mushrooms in the area where I was a small child, lots of mushroom knickknacks and so on.

From US-6103918, a beautiful shimmery set of neutral stripes and patterns in one fabric. The scan doesn't do it justice.

From GB-1132662, a lovely doily in green!

From DE-8392400, a nautical scene on canvas:

A white on white handkerchief from DE-8482381:

And a square from HK-655134:

From RU-7456683, two nice pieces.

This is a gift from vmazuco on Postcrossing, in exchange for my card and fabric to her, on US-6243561. It's so pretty!

This is from FR-1236182. I love the flamingos!

From UA-1733960, a colorful floral print:

From RU-7650984, a pretty chintz floral print:

From NL-4551154, a lovely Indonesian batik:

This one is from US-6619908 and I love the cheerful colors!

These are from the recipient of US-6599099 - we did a fabric exchange and she sent me several blues :)

This is from US-6682387; "a piece of leftover material from my wedding dress. My dress was made with a 1950s dress pattern. (A former coworker made it - my sewing skills are very basic!"

From CA-1003833:

From AU-718314, I love the colors on this:

From LT-718252: "I am sending you a piece of fabric which is made from Lithuanian linen. Years ago I made a bedding for my children from it. Some is still left for the grandchildren as well."

From the recipient of US-6701973, two swatches:

Fabric from US-6784017!
"With this pandemic I have made about 250 face masks. The material I am sending is left over from face masks I made."

From US-6806117:
"A scrap of fabric that I feel represents the sun of Arizona! :)"

From US-6806513:
"The fabric came to me in a bundle of craft stuff. Since it's a couple of skinny strips, they might work for some of those tiny islands you're going to include. :)"

From FI-3752745:
"The cloth is the same as a Christmas curtain I have."

From DE-9418920:
Ich habe mir aus der Stoff meine Coronamaskeufenäht und hoffe der Reststoff ist noch zugebrauchen. (I sewed my corona mask out of the material and hope the leftover material is still used.)

From FR-1298756:
"Indienne Provençale: I bought this fabric in Provence. It's a region on the South of France. The factory is in a village at the food of the [Alpites? hard to read] This place is beautiful."
(It is so finely woven - Laridian)

On left: "[Can't read] bretonne: This fabric has been made for a Breton clothing brand famous for its striped sailors
Armor Lux
The blue pattern is in the style of glazic embroidery typical of Bretagne."
On right: "le Kelsch: it's a traditional Alsacian fabric. L'Alsace is a region in the east of France, on border with Germany."

From RU-7984229:

Contributed by user Cassildra on Postcrossing, 4 different fabrics, love the purple floral in particular :)

From RU-7932608:

Two fabrics from postcrosser Beruperintu in Sweden! "Sending you some fabric from my cupboard drawers ^_^ The striped one is a hand woven traditional fabric made by my husband's grandmother. The yellow fabric I've bought in Japan."

From FI-3777861, two fabrics:

From RU-8027750:
"When I was a child I used to wear a yellow lemon dress which I was fond of. In the envelope you will find a piece of cloth for that dress."

From NL-4734015, this piece of very Dutch fabric :)

From BG-143468: "Greetings from Bulgaria, the land of roses! The piece of fabric is Bulgarian embroidery. The embroidery is sewn on fabric decoration. It is applied to almost all clothes, part of the Bulgarian folk costume, both in men's and women's clothing throughout Bulgaria. The most used are white, red and black, with green, blue, yellow and brown playing a complementary role."

From DE-9616677:
Früher habe ich auch genaht, aber nie einen Quilt. Ich finde Deine Idee sehr schon. So bringst du von überall auf de Welt etwas in deinem Quilt. (I have to think of unity and peace) Da du nicht viel Stoff aus Afrika hast, habe ich Dir etwas mitgeschickt (Nigeria). Ich hoffe du hast weiterhin viel Freude! Der rote Stoff ist von Deutschland. :)
I used to sew too, but never a quilt. I think your idea is very nice. So you can bring something in your quilt from all over the world. (I have to think of unity and peace) Since you don't have much material from Africa, I sent you something (Nigeria). I hope you continue to enjoy yourself! The red fabric is from Germany. :)

From US-7026082:
"Here's a piece of fabric from the "Quilt Wisconsin" line from 2014. It was designed for the WI Quilt Shop Hop that happens in June of each year. I hope it finds a small place in your PC Quilt. Make something beautiful."
I adore this concept and love all the WI town names in the postmarks!

From NL-4747200:
"I send you small samples of folklore fabric. There are a few old women in the village who wear some of it. Its disappears and that's a shame. It's still for sale and I enjoyed making face masks out of it. So you're in luck! ^_^ The black/white and the bleu/white, red is still worn here in our cosy village"
The village name is Veere.

From AU-734673, several pennant/bunting with Christmas-motif Australian animals. They're adorable!

From RU-8070180. Also included with it were a vintage (1968) postcard of the Volgograd Monument to the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad and a bunch of first-issue vintage Soviet stamps!

From JP-1466439. Beautiful pattern and colors, and so soft!

From NL-4846328, "a piece of a Dutch dishcloth". It's so soft!

From RU-8261148:

From DE-10081418, I love the bird motif :)

From DE-10073200, a challenging piece to use! :) I'm not sure whose coat of arms it's supposed to be, it doesn't match the sender's city/state. I'll figure something out. :)

From JP-1494810, "Silk fabric which was a part of kimono, traditional Japanese garment. Presumably the fabric was used for a lining of kimono for a small child or unmarried woman." It's lovely!

From US-7373770, two fun fabrics! I love them both :D

From DE-10172437: "I hope the piece of fabric is useful for a quilt. It's from my husband's favorite work jacket. I said to him he can't wear it longer, because it has two holes. He was sad, but it gives him a good feeling, if his jacket is used in a little part further."

From RU-8294602: "The pink fabric belonged to my grandmother, as a child I sewed an apron from it."

From RU-8312330: "In the envelope is a flower that I have kept since 2014."

From RU-8317810: "I asked for a piece of cloth from my grandma ^_^ I wish you success with your quilt."

From US-7422923: "OK My friend I am sending scrap pieces from a quilt or two. I decomposed parts of a quilt and re made it for my granddaughter. If you need more material let me know."

This was part of a package from Marianne_H for my Bingo in Combined Germany/Netherlands on the Postcrossing forums.
"African fabrics are often bright colors and BOLD prints. This particular piece is a scrap left over for a dress I had made for a wedding. It's tradition here for the bride & groom to choose a "wedding fabric" and then the guests can purchase a few yards of it to have an outfit made. The outfits are made per personal style choice (and budget) with one's local tailor or seamstress. Everyone wears their outfit to the wedding and it shows support and solidarity to the marrying couple. This one was for the wedding of my Cameroonian friend [name], a small shopkeeper on my street."

From NL-4912535, white fabric with textured flowers (scanner doesn't pick it up very well). "I send you a little piece of fabric I used for the crib for my little son. Now he is 2.5 years old, he was for a short time in this crib, but I still love this fabric and much more your idea for making this quilt. My mom is a quilter too, so we have some here in the house."

From CZ-1795509:

From the recipient of US-7271164: "After I registered your postcard, I read your profile. I love your idea of pieces of fabric that can hold the whole world. Therefore, I have chosen three fabrics for you, telling about Russian heritage.
Beige, Matryoshka. This is a traditional Russian wooden toy in the form of a painted doll with smaller dolls like it inside. The number of nested dolls is usually tree or more. They are usually egg-shaped with a flat bottom and consist of two detachable parts, and upper and a lower one.
Blue, Gzhel. Gzhel is a Russian style of blue and white ceramics which takes its name from the village of Gzhel and surrounding area, where it has been produced since 1802.
Black, Khokhloma. Khokhloma painting is the name of a Russian wood painting handicraft style and national ornament, known for its curved and vivid mostly flower, berry and leaf patterns. A combination of red, black and gold are typical colors for Khokhloma."

The recipient of US-5029344 sent another set, two lovely brocades:
"I enclose some scraps from Asia - the golden dragons I brought in Jember, Indonesia, the black dragons in Huishui, China."

From DE-10301862, "Some fabric from my wife."

From RU-8307386

From DE-10450153:

I appear to have missed posting this one until after I used the fabric! From RU-8433007:

DUE TO THE SIZE OF THIS LIST, I have started a new blog entry for new fabrics. This one has taken 3.5 years after all! The new fabric location is:

This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

quilt: postcrossing, postcrossing, fabric, quilt: world map, postcards

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