RL has been crazy busy as of late, and I've been reduced to a pathetic lurker on LJ when I have the time. This depresses me. Unfortunately, it's not going to get any better now that I have finals in a week and a half.
I also had a slight hiatus in my 30 days meme, and this weekend will bring another hiatus due to a trip to Grand Portage, MN for AFS, and of course my USB wireless adapter still isn't working. What aggravates me is that I called tech support, twice, and both times was instructed to download drivers from the Hawking Technology website because my wireless card wouldn't work with Vista. Well, bullshit, it worked with Vista for a good two and a half months before it stopped working, and I've downloaded the drivers multiple times before. No difference. This adapter is still under the 1-year manufacturer's warranty. I really just want them to give me a new one.
Anyway, I'm going to cheat with this, yet again, and post a few days at once, and see how often I will be able to post. (Photos clickable for larger versions)
day 7 → a photo that makes you happy
day 8 → a photo that makes you angry/sad
day 9 → a photo you took