This post is pretty heavily weighted towards Clint and Natasha. ♥ I am not at all sorry. XD I seriously need to carve out time this week to just free write all my Clint feels and my Natasha feels into a doc because I have so many thoughts and ideas and I love them so much! I was so tempted to get a tumblr just because of them but that is time I could be spending reading or writing fic so, sorry K8, I am still tumblr-free. XD
So. Pretty obviously still riding the Avengers high into infinity and straight on till morning! Not even my impossible work schedule can get me down, y'all, that is how high I am right now. :) I want ALL THE TEAM FIC and Science Bros and Adjusting to a New World and badassery on a global scale and ugh our faces are everywhere how do a spy and sniper cope and MORE DARCY (always and forever). ♥ I want the fic where Tony makes it his mission to take Steve and Thor to sample every authentic ethnic cuisine in NYC, and the fic about Budapest, and the everyone is an assassin AU. Come and talk to me in the comments about your Avengers feels and ideas, guys, because hell, no, I will never get tired of hearing them! ♥
1) Quick note to my Inception friends:
bookshop is driving the crack van for Inception fandom this month and Aja has been reccing a ton of awesome things, lots of different pairings and genres, at least half of which I'd never read before. So if you're interested, head over to
crack_van and check out the latest Inception recs. :)
nimielle is hosting a Loki/Hiddleston friending meme over
3) Clint/Natasha comm:
be_compromised (thank you, Beans, for the heads up!!)
4) Avengers meta: The brilliant
cobweb_diamond has written two fantastic pieces of meta about the costumes from the movie:
here and
here. And there's
this absolutely amazing piece by Ari about Black Widow and Hawkeye.
5) And for even more Clint and Natasha goodness,
this intriguing AU idea from
postcardmystery's tumblr. I just want all the Clint/Natasha and Clint & Natasha, Clint chasing Natasha around the world, their missions together, the slow build of trust, ALL OF IT, liberally sprinkled with feels, ok.
6) And some recs:
Remember us by
renisanz - Gorgeous Clint/Natasha fanart. I love
renisanz's art and this is just beautiful.
Budapest graphic by
nami86 - This is lovely and amazing, and I'm so intrigued by the story this tells.
the killing moon by sairobee - Stunning Clint fanart
well, let the drum beat drop by jonesandashes and
pollyrepeat (Avengers, gen) - Pepper leaves, and there’s no more pizza, and Thor’s already talked about Jane, and Tony suspects all of them realize, abruptly and simultaneously, that they actually have no idea what to do now. He is, in fact, pretty certain that they’re just a few minutes away from someone deciding to say something about the weather. It’s probably going to be him. Or the one where they slowly and ever so awkwardly become a team. AMAZING TEAM!FIC. Crying with laughter!! EVERYTHING IS BRILLIANT OMG. \o/
Story time with Thor by shadowen (Avengers, Clint/Coulson, PG) - One of the earliest truths learned by the children of heroes is the simple, universally accepted fact that Thor tells the best stories. Thor tells the epic tale of the Son of Coul and the Hawk-eyed Archer in true bardic fashion. Lovely and sweet and very Shakespeare in the park. :)
Mad season by sian1359 (Avengers, Clint/Coulson, PG13) - The World Security Council prefers Emil Blonsky in the Avengers Initiative, not Bruce Banner. SHIELD doesn't think that's a good idea. Long and plotty and awesome. My thing for competence and sniper!Clint, let me show it to you. <3
silver cities rise by ashcheche (Avengers, Bruce/Darcy, PG) - “Hey,” Darcy protests, “I am so low-stress!” She isn’t. It’s total bullshit. But there’s no way she’s letting Agent Suit trash-talk her. “I am like wheatgrass smoothies and Zen tapes and Xanax in one handy social science-wrapped package.” HILARIOUS. AMAZING. BEST DARCY EVER.
Will prob stay here at work till 9 tonight, based on my to do list. D: Into the breach! I hope all of you lovelies are having a fantastic week! ♥