It's been a long week filled with lots of great things! The not so great: I'm sick so I haven't been very productive the last few days. If you're waiting on something from me, I'm so sorry, I promise it's coming. Also, our fridge died so we don't have much food (this is always a bad thing); our new, shiny fridge is really nice though so yay?
Glomp gifts is still going on so please consider dropping by!
And there's an awesome thing going on right now: the three sentence ficathon! I am so addicted; new gorgeous prompts and fills are appearing all the time for a huge variety of fandoms and pairings. I don't know if I ever mentioned but I'm a huge Narnia fan and all of the Narnia prompts are so wonderful! GLORIOUS. ♥
I was so giddy with joy, instead of working on any of my WIPs, I filled
this Loki/Steve prompt. No, I'm not sure what happened either. But hey, writing! \o/
Moving right along!
Here is an amazing Clint/Coulson fic (thank you, Neve, for the rec!),
sorrynotsorry has posted
this crazy great story about BAMFs in love, and
this is a lovely Clint/Darcy fic by
And my darling
gollumgollum wrote me a
Darcy/Clint ficlet and
myxomycota (who is clearly made of rainbows and puppies because she wrote something wonderful for a total stranger ♥) wrote me
an Arthur/Ariadne/Eames fic that is snarky and badass and I am just !!!! and ♥_♥ over their generosity.
sirona_gs and I were talking about the Avengers pairings we ship (which is basically EVERYTHING, we want it all, ok), and Neve's like, Bucky/Darcy, and I'm like, !!!!! I WANT THAT, and we both started leaving prompts and trying to convince others to join our crazy train incept other people to write it for us, and I left a prompt at the three sentence ficathon and
musesfool wrote
this amazing fill! And now I can't stop thinking about Bucky/Darcy because a) BUCKY ♥, b) ♥♥♥DARCY♥♥♥, c) I'm like Thor eating pop tarts, never, ever full, and d) please see below.
When you combine these two things:
How would this not be epic? *_______*
Guys, guys, I love you all so much! Thank you, thank you, a million thank yous to everyone who left me stocking stuffers at Glomp Gifts, everyone who sent me recs and cool links and amazing music, everyone who encouraged my cray cray ideas, and anyone who wrote me something. ♥ I am so incredibly grateful and touched. *hugs*