Oct 21, 2010 23:02
So I went to a new dentist today. And he told me that my teeth are, and I quote, "Perfectly fine," and that my gums look great which is a relief considering my previous dentist that I started seeing when I moved here two years ago told me I was on the verge of getting gum disease, that my pockets were huge (5s and 6s), and that I needed to come in for cleanings every 3 months to "break the cycle of buildup." Did I mention that I floss and brush after every single meal? Yeah. So after a year of the old dentist going on about how I was at risk of gingivitis and how terrible my gums were (I refused to go in more than twice) I wised up, googled their practice, and discovered that they have a history of overprescribing treatments for their patients and telling them they have problems when they don't. I'm really lucky because I probably just paid for some cleanings that I didn't need whereas others paid for extra fillings and caps. Ugh. So the moral of the story? I should always do my research first. (Getting recommendations from friends and coworkers helps a lot, too)
So it was a good day, as in yay my teeth are great, and a bad day, as in ugh I got gyped by a bunch of unscrupulous scam artists. -_-
my simple/complicated life,