Vote, fuckers.

Nov 01, 2004 18:59

Get out and vote. I care if you vote for Bush, because I don't want you to, but I care more if you just get out and vote ( Read more... )

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aexoden November 2 2004, 18:26:24 UTC
I'm not opposed to more voting in general; my problem is with people who vote merely for the sake of voting, without any kind of reasoning behind their vote. The people I refer to are the uninformed people who are likely to break 50/50 anyway, voting for whichever candidate they hear about last. This kind of voting does nothing to serve any kind of interest, and the major parties exploit this by trying to make sure their candidate comes out last and is the one these people end up choosing. These voters have absolutely no idea what they're voting for, and their votes do little more than give whoever wins a mandate to enact their plans.

We then have people who are philosophically opposed to voting, as it is in effect forcing representation on the minority by majority rule. This conflicts me, though I choose to be pragmatic about it, and realize that working through the system is much more effective than being apathetic. You can potentially argue this away by asserting some kind of social contract, but I greatly dislike that idea.

With regard to the two major candidates, I don't like either of them one bit, as far as their various policies go. In fact, the one I'd prefer win has flip-flopped so many times and finally settled at complete apathy, other than simply not wanting either of them to win. The candidates are almost identical when considered relative to my own views that there's no way to favor either of them. The only thing I can say is that whichever party controls the House and Senate should be the opposite of the President's party. This will at least slow Congress, though recent Presidents have a history of vetoing very little. The important thing is that I couldn't possibly vote for either of these candidates, which is a vote of approval for their policies.

I did vote, however. Just not for these clowns. I will agree with you; I am very cynical when it comes to elections and voting.


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