Mar 22, 2010 12:10
--- Status Update ---
Largestill: Congratulations to Obama and the Democrats on passing the Health Care Bill, but I am saddened to think that the next 2 years are going to be filled with the republicans and their supporters screaming "BABY KILLERS!!" "DEATH PANELS!!" and "GRAMDMA KILLERS!!"
--- Comments ---
(Friend)Blades: You mean, just like the past two years?
(Relative of my wife)D. Lambe: Just wait until the IRS unleashes over 17,000 new agents who's role it is to enforce compliance. Harassing citizens and business each and every month to ensure that they have purchased a health care plan that has been approved by the Gov't.
That's only 1 of the 159 Agencies and Boards and other bureaucracies created by the new bill.
159 new bureaucracies . . . . think about it !!!
Blades: Do you have any non-partisan sources for this story, or we just supposed to take the word of right-wing conspiracy theorists?
Largestill: I love the harsh words the right use (and you parrot) to try to scare people into thinking this is a bad thing.
"The IRS Unleashes!" "Harassing!" "Enforce!" "Compliance!"
All of us here in Canada are FORCED into SOCIALISM!! with our current DEATH PANEL plan.
And it doesn't bother me one bit.
The idea of helping out others who have been given a raw deal in life, or those who have been just incredibly dumb and screwed up their lives in one way or another, doesn't phase me in the slightest.
When ever I hear there is a tax cut happening I groan because I know that while it might put like and average of $150/year (or a pizza a month as the PC tried to spin the last GST tax cut.) back into my pocket, I only think about what social(ISM!!) programs had to be cut to make it possible.
And you know what? I am surprised there isn't MORE than people 17.000 getting hired to oversee the paper work of 308,918,000 people. All that is assuming that the "facts" coming from the right wing websites like are actually true.