FoG hoGs :(

Dec 11, 2008 11:02

This weather and this daY are TurniNg me sIck as hOw dEep meh RepeNting to cUm here aNd be Here wiThout hEr! Ria bAby i MIss ya A LoT ..mIss ThiSe daYz wHen wE uSED to bE togethER.. bUnk toGether and MovE arOUnd together..sHitS onLY i knoW dat Why M i spending This DaY .laMe day liKe diS heRe!! aNd hW muCH i waNNa quiT this uNIv..Not cOz itz BorinG bUt uR abSence mAke iT bUllshit tO be hErE anD eRrRrRr.. i hAte iT here cOz i Dun hAve yoU anD i donT haV ankiT and i Dont hav maNisha and I dont hav MY rockInG CollEGE MCM heRe! THiS DaY, I wOKE UP AT 9 anD waNted 2 slEEp again c0z diz f0g wOnt lEmmE oPen moi eyeZ uP anD datz why i Miss dee buLLshit lEctures cOz i Dont waNNa c d faCes oF iNsEcure pRofesorS there.uH!! sO, heRE i Am , bAck fr0m home yEsterday and .... eRrRrR stUD onliNE....Bye


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