May 21, 2005 22:33
OMG wow... yesterday was ball... and so much happened. this is going to be a long entry.
Ok so yesterday, school starts, my sister and niece were coming in at 130pm from MN to surprise my mom for her 50th birthday, she had no idea, it was great. My dad picked me up at 1230 and we went and picked them up, went to my moms work and surprised the CRAP outta her... it was so great, she was in her office, and we had my niece open the door, and go in and say "nana where are you?" ITS WAS SOOOO CUTE! I LOVE HER! by the time everything was cool there it was 230-3 and we went and picked up the coreage (wtf you spell that? hehe) and i went and got ready, and my mom dad sister and niece drove over to aubreys house. Freaky thing happeded while driving down 81, a bird slowmotion hit my end of the windshield... scared that CRAP outta me. anywho, got to aubreys house and steph (my date) and aubrey were all there and ready they both really good look beutiful. Took a buncha pictures, jeremy got there, and then my bro showed up and mass us with pictures, i love him, really do. Your the best jim. and matt showed up, then kate, buncha pics and such. Then the limo got there. My god i was proud of my self, for 450 we got a brand new 6 person limo, black with more gadgets and lighting then steph knew what to do with. Along the way ill describe why we loved our limo driver, Henry. so more pics with the limo. We finally got off, and headed over to Stars on the lake, which almost none of us every heard of except aubrey. Was a great place, nice food and service. We headed out there and went to the ball. Ball was great, not to much rap at all so it was cool. We danced alot, when we could becasue the dance floor was so packed. took lot more pictures... by about 11pm jeremy was so tired that he was acting very energenic it was funny. me and steph got out pics done, then later we got the group picture of me, steph, aubrey, jeremy, kate, and matt which was nice. Then ball pretty much ended... they gave out trucker hats for the ball gift. Way to be cheap. :-p we left the ball and headed to aubreys house. on the way there us guys rembembered that we didnt bring our shoes... so we were bascally like FUCK... hehe. So we went and got changed and me and jeremy got in the limo while we waited for the females to fiddle with there hair. And OH henry. he was funny as hell. a big bug came in the limo some how and jeremy saw it pointed it out (it was near henry) and hes like JESUS CHRIST. THATS A BIG MOTHER FUCKER... HOLY SHIT *jumps outta car* it was funny me and jeremy were laughing sooo hard. so we went to the after ball party. Waste of money right there. It sucked. You pay the 10-15 it costs to get in and 3 of us couldnt even do anything good becuase we wernt seniors. Bullshit. "Hey what you guys do at 130 in the morning?" "We played BINGO!" hehe. So we were there for like 10-20 mins. And left. The chick there was like you guys know you leave now you cant have a chance to win the car! We were like OH SHOOT! we cared... so much. We got in the limo and we drove around for a bit. we decided that the guys should go to out houses and get our stuff. So we told henry and hes like mmmkay. Went to my house, were there at like 230 got my shoes and then we went down to jeremys house, then matt house. Jeremy was still hyper from being tired. so he ran around matts house, and triped in the holes and mounds and everything else matt told him about. during the stop at matts house i told henry about the rightside window and how it had trouble going back up sometimes and hes like "No shit i didnt know that!" it was so funny. So we had our shoes for saterday which was very cool. So by that time it was 3-315 and we got droped at aubreys house. thanked henry and tiped him a lil more, cause he was great. and we all gathered in got ready for bed and played scene it! and went to bed at 5AM. And we all woke up and doesed off and on again around 7 eventually got up.
So saterday morning we woke up, played scene it for a bit longer. and Pa made us breakfast which was wooo!! hehe. then we gathered back in the living room and watched the ancherman which was good times. Then my beating continued... i was under massived fire of pillows and knee tickles by kate steph and aubrey. i was loseing... big time. then jeremy jumped in so it was much fairer. we played capture the leopard print stuff for a while. and it was a great great time. I love you guys. We waited for everyone else to show up, that would be poli and phil... i think. and we headed out to the park. we met up with bryan and sarah there. There i proceded to get beat on by sarah for some reason. :-/ We needed toys so we headed out to the doller store, which wasnt really one at all. and got lots of toys and such (mostly me and jeremy :-D) WE GOT POWER RANGER OUTFITS WITH A MASK A TABARD AND A KNIFE-GUN! and we got a few other things hehe. so we went back to the park and i got a major headach for some reason... probley from a few slaps of hand a shoe from someone and i needed to rest... took 2 of bryans IB-profin or whatever it is... and 3 advil from kate... and slept for like 1-2 hours. Phil kept planing to do something to me but the girls knew i was doing bad, Much much thx to them :-). if i dont tackle a headach early, i have a bad... bad... day. so i got up felt much better and went and joined the hack circle that was started. that was good stuff. But better hackers then us were there, even better than bryan. and we bascally chilled. Oh yeah jeremy put on him powerranger stuff and walked by people and scared that crap outta them. So i joined him in that cuase i was feeling better. We walked in the service area and got a drink from the fountain. we think the lady counting money in there pushed a panic button or something hehe!it sprinkled once and a while but it was a really nice day out. Got more pics there, and we rode the trolly, and we played on the kids things... which is always fun. We started to pack up cause it was 6ish. Bryan left and we then headed to aubreys house to have the fireeee! hehe. her dad started the fire up, it sprinkled some on and off but was good. fire got going and it was good. we roasted marshmellows and had smores.. it was a good time then we had a marshmellow war which eventually tured into a dogpile on me :-p ;-D I can only take so many. and jeremy wasnt there to be on my team... so NOT FAIR hehe. we had lots of great times... we all had a wonderful time. it was nice to just relax. although some need to learn when its time to stop beating on me... cause after a while... i can only take so much... which aubrey could tell so she tells em to chill. Go you ;-) we relaxed for the last half-a-hour then we stared leaving around 930. I didnt want to go yet... and i wanted to stay and help cleanup, but poli was my ride :-/ so we said our goodbyes and thanks to ma and pa for everything. It really was a amazing weekend. So much memorys to have. And thanks to everyone who was there and helped be a part of it.
My after thoughs on ball:
Well im not gonna lie i was really depressed that i didnt have a special someone there with me :-/ really wished i could have shared it with someone. But then after, i realized. I did. I had some of my best friends in the world there. We had such a amazing time i didnt worry about it. We had eachother. And i love you guys sooo much. i really do. i dont know what i would do if i couldnt be around you guys anymore. You really are amazing. Much <3 to all.
im now off to my moms surprise bday party, so bye!