May 07, 2005 23:31
So tonight i was working till 730. At about 7 im finishing bringing the stuff thats out for sale in front of the store inside. Im just start being in the flowers inthe the doorway, and my manager Greg comes up to me and says "alright Greg lets go find the guy in the parking loading the shotgun." Nope not kiding 100% serious. Im like WTF? he says that a woman was coming to the store and she saw a guy loading a shotgun in the parkinglot. he wants to go try and get a licenes plate, and im like alright ill go, well pretend where geting carts... i didnt care... it was a long night and im like screw it. so we go around looking for a green mercery sable, cause thats what she said it was...we didnt see anything. So the cops came, and the woman pointed the car out to the cops, and it was brown... not green. Anywho, the cops went to it, guns out and pointed at it screaming orders at the guys in the car... Turns out to be come 20ish yearold who was there with him stepfather and his mother... he bought it a few hours earler and was screwing with it, (it was a rather large rifle) and the kid was puting the strap on, and screwing with the loader (wasnt loading it tho)... and earler the stepfather was like "dont do that, someonewill see you... dont do that... leave it in the trunk" he didnt listen... so the stepfather and mother went out to the car to see 2 cops pointing guns at it... intersting interesting night