
Jan 19, 2005 21:49

This is just gonna suck mass midterms and all that bull crap :-/
Today first block... oh yeah that was interesting. Square dancing, we and 3 other friends were like, i dont feel like picking they can come to us. so we waited till 4 girls came over. The 4 of the friggin hottest ( also are the bitchiest ) girls came over, so were like whoa ok. But omfg they were friggin teases... i quote from them "can you see my thong when i bend over?" and "Do you think my boobs are too big?" Yeah i kid you not, friggin teases... damn the hot bitchs...
2nd block was us history and gov midterm. was dumb.
early lunch was normal, except for yesterday when amanda was able to join us. She had the erge to kick me really hard sence its been a while. Yeah i wasnt expecting that. i still have a bruse on my knee. Ty amanda :-) old times... hehe
3rd block... newspaper with hogan. class is friggin easy, i just need to get the final thing in. dont wanna fuck that up.
4th... english movie yeah fun.

got home mike and steve came pickme up we went to get our checks, that reminds me i gotta buy a certain shirt for a certain someone :-) Omfg earboy, those of you know him (hes a short fat naxi and everything else that someone could hate kind of person) left his stuffed bunny... dont ask ... in mikes car yeah pulled my zippo out and lit that thing up and threw it out of the car. funny crap.
cashed paychecks went home to only leave again for a dentist appt. had 2 cavities that needed to be filled. And midget is right when she says "novacane doesn't deaden the postpones it" I mean it was good while it was in my body cause i was like poking myself and not feeling it i was like whoa. then it wore off. PPAIN!!!!!! IT IT IT... IT BURNS! not really that badly but its sore. That was pretty much my day. gotta go order a shirt now. Later all!
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