"It's gonna be tough young man."
"Why's that pop?"
"Well, you're leaving behind a load of... well, let's just say, awesome people. And good times."
"Yeah pop, I sure am gonna miss it...all."
Sigh. I don't want to be all rewards show like, but there are so many people I have to thank for helping make my West Coast Sofa Tour one of the most amazing vacations ever.
Anthony P Gilkinson. My singing, dancing, Disney fun ride Seattle friend and pal. Where this travelganza started. Thanks for planting in my tiny brain the seed that was this trip. Seattle was indeed an awesome place to see and experience. I'll be back soon.
Shannon Grady. My muse and future husband :-). San Diego would not have been as fun without your warm smile and heart felt love. You can sing to me anytime. I look forward to sharing the glow around you when that "one song!" blows the lid of the charts. Hold on to those dreams baby. And no matter where you land in the next few months I know you'll land on your feet.
San Francisco, you loved me and I loved you back! You keep casting spells on me and the days I spent with you this time around will be remembered fondly.
Bo... You know I loves you. I hope you had fun. Once again, you were fun company and the catalyst you often are for introducing me to some beautiful men. I hope life continues to be full of adventure for you and Sean your sexy Fedex Man. Derrick, ummmm, Derrick. We'll definitely keep in touch! Most of what I'd like to day is x rated sooooo, we'll share that later.
Matty and Sean! I finally got to spend some quality time with you!! Yay! It was short but very sweet. LA is lucky to have such beautiful, bright, and sexy personalities. I'm less scared of the sprawling City of Angels because of you. And I'll be back.
Oh Brian Hill! I'm a little light headed when I think of you! No more napkins in my drink! But I'll take the hugs! Yup. I sure will!
Vacations are never long enough. But this one will go down in my memory books for ever. I feel relaxed, refreshed and ready to rock it back in DC!
But I'm going to miss you Left Coast. Miss you long time.
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