dear sugar, fuck you.

Apr 23, 2007 12:12

lets talk about this thing called

i have a cavity.

fuck that. my entire set of teeth has been killing me for awhile now and i have been convinced my front top left tooth was on its way to falling out. until last night at work my tongue grazed over the way back of my teeth and discovered a motherfucking hole.

i woke up this morning and went to the dentist in commack. there's a temporary filling and next monday i go back for the real deal. :(

i also made my schedule this morning. i might add another class. idk.
French311 Composition MW 3:50-5:10
French312 Conversation MW 2:20-3:40
History325 Civil Rights Movement TT 12:50-2:10
Philosophy247 Existentialism TT 11:20-12:40
PoliticalScience103 Intro to Comparative Politics TT 2:20-3:40

my tentative idea is to major in good ole french and minor in political science. yeah, i know i have no credits toward a major/minor in either of those yet. but i willlllll make it.
-the loaded gun
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