pile of arse

Aug 22, 2007 18:21

I tell you its going to the dogs over here lately,actually it might be better if the dogs ran the country,fishing has been fun lately we are equal on the amount of fish we have caught,most have eneded up in the freezer now,eating a few fresh ones too,usually out of the sea and onto the dinner plate in about 3 hours,having a weeek of next week and hoping to do an alnighter somewhere,didnt realise when I booked next week off that its Nans aniversary of her passing too,a whole year does not seem possible,hope the weather changes been so grey around here so very little sunshine,Tanya is doing doing a stir fry and it smells good,please all send me positive thoughts for a big lotto win,many thanks party will be at my house next week,lol,,,,takecare
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