Victoria, thanks for steering me toward your friend's poetry site. I was impressed with the raw emotion. Do you have a way of contacting her? I would like to talk to her about writing. Maybe she can help me stumble over my writer's block. And thanks for emailing me your poem. I liked it very much. The allusion about people and the masks they wear is something everyone can relate to. Good job!
I'm glad you liked her poetry. She's having a hard time right now. She won't tell me exactly why but she's really struggling. Thank you for the compliments. I haven't written anything since. I thought I might keep writing but I just couldn't do it. I will stick to art. ~Victoria
God I hope you don't think that I am an artist because I'm not. I am thinking of majoring in art history. I mostly like painting but I also like sculpture.
Yes, she seems to be both those things. We don't know why people do the things they do. We don't know what exactly happened in her situation. We haven't talked about my writer's block yet. Just chit chatting for now.
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