It's November Already!!

Nov 01, 2014 23:37

We are into the second to last month of the year and all those things that were on my to do list..........


I really need to get off my backside and actually start crossing things off, which would be great if when I crossed something off it stayed off instead of being replaced by three other things.

I did go and help out a friend last week with her special needs swimming class (I teach swimming for a living). It brought back to me why I do what I do and what I love most about it - the satisfaction of seeing someone not many people (beyond their parents and those who help them on a daily basis), achieve something that they never thought they could. I had a smile on my face all day.

Today was spent in my other home - the dance studio. I am so proud of my big girl and the responsibility that she has taken on to help her dance teacher. There have been some wonderful life lessons there for her and she is a better person because of them.

Enough rambling, it's almost midnight here and I need to get some sleep.
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