Mar 28, 2005 23:04

Bronwen Edan: balimar!
Bronwen Edan: hewwo balimar!
Bronwen Edan: d'you wanna draw with me?
Bronwen Edan: i gots cwayons
Bronwen Edan: lots of pwetty cwayons!
Valimar TheUltek: lol
Bronwen Edan: no cwayons for you balimar?
Bronwen Edan: they're the candy flavored types
Valimar TheUltek: eeww.
Valimar TheUltek: i like pictures tho
Bronwen Edan: yay!
Valimar TheUltek: i am the nicest of the nice after all
Bronwen Edan: nicestestest of the mice?
Bronwen Edan: ewww
Bronwen Edan: i don't like mice
Valimar TheUltek: no no, nicest of the nice
Bronwen Edan: ok as long as mice aren't involved
Valimar TheUltek: yeah
Bronwen Edan: they're waaaaaay too quick and squeaky
Valimar TheUltek: but sometimes they're cute
Bronwen Edan: squeek squeek squeek soundin like dey be needin oiled
Bronwen Edan: well dere was dat one mouse danali once, tails, she was cute
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